Page 5 of Lady of Starfire

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She had taken her second sip from the glass when Cethin finally said, “You met Saylah.”

“I did.”


“And what?” she asked, her head tilting as she swirled the ice in her glass.

“Scarlett,” he gritted out, frustration ringing in his voice. His hands clenched into fists at his side, but his tone had her straightening.

Her eyes narrowed, and she set the glass down with a sharp thud on the cart, liquid sloshing over the top. Paja gave a disgruntled hoot, flying to the window ledge. “You do not get to beannoyedwith me, Cethin Sutara.”

“What did Saylah say?” he asked, trying and failing to adjust his tone.

“What are you afraid I learned, brother?” she countered, and she saw the uncertainty flicker across his features.

“Did she grant what you requested?”

“Requested?” she sneered. “Irequestednothing.”

Sorin stepped between them, Rayner moving closer too. Amaré had flown to perch atop a nearby chair. “Scarlett, my love, I need to know what has happened since you left.”

Her features softened when she looked at Sorin again.

Her husband.

Her king.

Her Source.

Her twin flame.

It did not matter to her if he could no longer bear those Marks. He did not need black swirls on his left hand to be her twin flame. To be her everything.

“I am sorry I was not here when you woke,” she said, her tone the complete opposite of how she’d spoken to her brother.

She watched relief wash over him, probably at the realization she wasn’t likely to become violent in the near future. He closed the distance between them, taking her face between his hands and brushing a thumb along her cheekbone. “You met your mother?”

“I did,” she whispered.

“And?” he prompted gently, holding her gaze.

“I gave her an ultimatum.”

Sorin blinked. “You gave a goddess an ultimatum?”

She reached up, wrapping her fingers around his wrists and tugging them from her face. “She will find a way to restore your magic, or I will give her to Alaric.”

“What?” Cethin blurted. “You threatened a goddess?”

“No,” she said coldly. “I named a price for my services.”


But a knock on the main door of her suite interrupted him. Her eyes flicked to the sound when a male voice called out, “Scarlett?”

Tybalt Greybane. The Commander of Avonleya’s forces, the son of Sargon, and Cassius’s father.

“Come in,” she called.

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