Page 34 of Lady of Starfire

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Eliza’s brows shot up. “He told you?”

“You knew?” Scarlett countered.

“He came to me earlier in the day. Asked if he could go with us. He assumed you’d fight him on it. I tried to tell him he was being an idiot, but he insisted.”

Scarlett sighed. “You will stay with him? Watch over him?”

“I’m not going to simply let him walk up to the Tyndell Manor,” Eliza drawled.

“We are already late, and you are wasting more time,” called an irritated Azrael.

Scarlett wrapped Eliza in a tight hug. “Stay safe. When you return, I request an entire day without males, huddled beneath a blanket with chocolates and wine.”

“Who am I to deny a queen?” she replied, her embrace just as tight.

The females walked over to the others, Eliza moving to speak with Sorin. Scarlett’s attention fixed on Rayner. “Please try not to rip out anyone’s spleen unless I am around to witness such a thing.”

The Ash Rider’s lips twitched. “As you wish, your Majesty.”

She scowled at him. “Seriously. Stop that.” Her attention skipped to Azrael. “You good, Azzy?” It was the Earth Prince’s turn to scowl. Her taunting smirk fell from her face as she stepped closer to him. “Thank you. For taking the lead on this.”

“We will be in and out. Back by this time tomorrow,” he reassured her.

She nodded, stepping back to Sorin’s side at the same time she saw Razik break away from Cethin. She hadn’t spoken to her brother since returning from Shira Forest, and when their gazes met briefly, she quickly looked away.

One thing at a time. After this group left, her next focus was Cyrus. Then sleep. Then Cethin. Assuming nothing else came up in the meantime. But, at the rate things were going, that was unlikely.

Those leaving all gathered around Razik, who was taking them to Anahita’s Springs where Sawyer and Briar would meet them. The last person she locked gazes with before they disappeared was Callan.

It had not escaped her that he hadn’t sworn to return with the others. She knew in the depths of her being he would not step foot in Avonleya again, and she prayed to the gods she had not just let him go to his death.



They appeared on the edges of the Springs, the surroundings falling silent at their sudden appearance. She immediately dropped Razik’s hand, stepping away from him. Eliza scanned the area out of instinct, breathing deep. Home. Or closer to it. Back on their own continent anyway.

She’d only been to Anahita’s Springs one other time— when Sorin had arrows imbued as a gift for her when she had agreed to become the Fire Court General. The same arrows Cyrus had begged her to take with him on the last mission to this continent. She’d argued with him because she’d been bitter about not being able to go. They obviously hadn’t helped anyway. He was stuck here until Scarlett brought Talwyn back to trade for him and Neve. If she had been with them, would she have found a way to keep this from being the outcome? She and Nakoa had always had an agreement that they would take care of each other’s people, and not only had Cyrus been left there, so had Neve. It was a failure, no matter how logical the argument was that she needed to heal. It was a failure nonetheless.

“Where are they?” Eliza asked, scanning the area again. Unease was growing in her gut. It was too…something. Quiet. Calm. As if the land itself was holding its breath.

“Sawyer indicated they would meet us here,” Azrael answered, fingers flexing. He was feeling it too. She could tell by the way the grass was vibrating at his feet.

“You think something is wrong?” Callan asked. She was glad to see his sword in hand. He never used to be prepared for an ambush. Always had the thing sheathed at his side. It took her a good week to break him of that habit, constantly reminding him it was more than an ornament for a pampered prince.

“Something certainly does not feel right,” she replied, calling flames to her other hand, casting a soft glow around them. “Stay close to the others, Callan.”

“Nothing is amiss,” Rayner said, appearing from ashes. “But I also did not find Briar, Sawyer, or the Tyndells.”

“Let’s make our way into the Springs,” Azrael said. “We will be a little more hidden there.”

Eliza nodded, herding Callan in front of her. Azrael and Rayner led the way, while Razik fell into step beside her. She said nothing to him, but her skin buzzed at his closeness. It was godsdamn distracting. Ever since he’d given her this Mark, it’d gotten harder to ignore the bond that was trying to form. He’d warned her the Source Mark would intensify things; she just hadn’t realized quite how much. She’d told herself she’d be strong enough to handle it. That’s what she’d spent her entire life doing. Making herself strong enough to face whatever the Fates threw at her— whether it be a father who disowned her, males who didn’t believe she belonged in their army, or a Curse Mark she would never be able to dispel. She could deal with the intensity of this too.

They reached the center of the Springs a short time later, and Eliza pushed out a harsh breath at the sound and smell of the water. They immediately spread out some, and she put space between her and the dragon shifter, moving closer to Rayner. He glanced down at her, his brows pulling together.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“What do you mean?”

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