Page 32 of Lady of Starfire

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He reached out tentatively, taking the vial of swirling black shadows, his eyes never leaving hers.

“Can you agree to stay with the Fae? No matter what happens? Stay with Eliza and Rayner and Azrael, and when they return to Avonleya, you return with them, even if Tava stays behind. Swear it to me, Callan. I have enough of my family to save right now. I do not wish to add you to that list.”

“You believe this to be reckless,” he stated, tucking the vial into a pocket of his jacket.

“Reckless is my middle name,” she said with a wry grin, but it slipped from her face just as quickly. “I wish it hadn’t rubbed off on you quite so much. But perhaps… Perhaps Windonelle will need a little recklessness on the throne when this is all said and done.”

“And what am I to do back here? Sit on my ass until you decide I am ready to go back?”

“No, Callan. Build a rapport with Hale. Teach him about our continent. Teach him about his kingdom, your kingdom. Share your plans. See what he envisions.” She shrugged. “You’re a king, so be one.”

She turned and headed back down the hall, now even later than she was before. Callan fell into step beside her, and she snuck a quick glance up at him. He seemed to be thinking through something, and when he tried to sneak a glance at her, she held his gaze. “Yes?” she asked, a brow arching.


But he was interrupted by Kailia, who appeared when they rounded the corner. Scarlett and Callan both paused at the Avonleyan Queen’s sudden appearance.

“The others are growing concerned,” she said, amber eyes studying them. Her bow was over her shoulder, her black dress flowing around her ankles, and her feet were bare as always.

“I know. I’m late,” Scarlett sighed.

“You are,” she agreed. “May I speak with you briefly?”

“As was already stated, I am late.”

“It will not take long.”

Her gaze flicked to Callan. “I can let the others know you are on your way,” he said, glancing down at Scarlett in question.

She sighed again, waving him off with a hand. “Fine.”

When he was out of sight, Kailia moved a few steps closer, ashy footprints left in her wake. “You are upset with Cethin.”

“Yes,” Scarlett answered, watching the female warily.

“Why?” she asked, her head tilting and black hair slipping over a shoulder.

“Because he did not tell me everything he knew.”

“Did you tell him everything you know?”

“That is not the point,” Scarlett said incredulously. “I am the one being asked to find the lock and… He is not the one being tasked with nearly impossible feats.”

“Tell me, your Majesty, when you keep things from those you love, why do you do so?”

“No,” Scarlett gritted out. “You will not turn this around on me. He should have told me.”

“Will Sorin feel the same when you tell him what you have learned?”

“How doyoufeel about it?” Scarlett countered.

“Cethin has already made arrangements for us. You would do well to do the same,” Kailia said. “But Cethin is…upset that you are angry with him.”

“He should be,” she retorted.

“Know that the things he kept from you were to protect me. He would be annoyed to know I am speaking with you about this,” she continued, as though Scarlett hadn’t said anything. “He is the farthest thing from perfect, but I believe you are discovering the burden of maintaining a balancing act. Lean too far towards your family, and your people suffer. Lean too far the other way, and your family suffers. He is trying to maintain that balance, Scarlett.”

Kailia disappeared amid smoke and ashes, and Scarlett pushed out a harsh breath, leaning against the wall. She was tired. So godsdamn tired. She needed to sleep. Her power was pushing at her being, aching to be used, but she had to keep it all locked up. She had to save it all for when they went to trade for Cyrus and Neve, but there was so much thrumming beneath her skin. The bit used to go to Shira Forest had done nothing to take the edge off after taking so much from Sorin. She slid down along the wall, tipping her head back. She knew she was late, but she just needed a moment to breathe.

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