Page 298 of Lady of Starfire

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Rayner waited until they were out of sight before he turned to Sorin and said, “What is it?”

“We need to discuss something,” Sorin replied.

“I figured as much when Scarlett took Tula off so she didn’t overhear the discussion,” Rayner answered. “Where do I need to go?”

“Nothing like that,” Sorin said, shaking his head. Folding his arms along the bridge railing, he leaned on them. He stared out the floor-to-ceiling window, Solembra sprawled out in the distance.

“Then what?” Rayner asked, taking up a similar position next to him.

“We need to discuss Tula.”

“She stays with me.”

There was no room for discussion or negotiation in that statement. Sorin had been expecting as much. But it still needed to be addressed, and he knew he needed to be the one to do it.

“I understand, Rayner. But the Shifters have Charters that need to be considered.”

“Arianna and Stellan can fuck off,” Rayner retorted darkly.

“You know Scarlett and I are on your side in this.”

“Then why are we having this discussion?”

“Because we need to take care of this before it becomes an issue with the Alpha and Beta. They will argue that Tula should be raised among her own. They will see it as their duty to protect her because of how powerful she is and will become,” Sorin said.

“No one will protect her better than I will.”

“I know, Rayner, which is why Scarlett and I are proposing something else.”

He slid his grey eyes to Sorin. They were swirling, but they were not as turbulent as usual. They had all been completely drained after the battle in Windonelle, and Rayner always took longer than the rest of them to refill reserves. He likely needed a Source with his Avonleyan roots, but that was a discussion for another time.

“Scarlett has created a Bonding Mark of sorts,” Sorin went on. “It would connect the two of you. Similar to a Guardian and Ward relationship, but more of a…” He sighed. There was really no other way to say it. “It would create a parent-child relationship, Rayner. Until Tula was of age to decide her own fate. If at that time she wishes to pledge loyalty to the Fire Court, we will, of course, grant that, and this can remain her home. Until then, you would be responsible for her.”

Rayner straightened. “You speak of me adopting her.”

“Yes. But the Bond Mark would overrule any claims from the Shifters,” Sorin answered. “Scarlett is speaking with Tula. To make sure this is something she wants as well. But if you are ready, Scarlett can give you both the Mark right now.”

“Yes,” Rayner said without a moment’s hesitation.

Sorin smiled at his friend, creating a fire portal up to the gardens a moment later.

They stepped through to find Scarlett and Tula near the pond Sorin had asked Briar to alter to house the seastar that lived in there now. The moment they appeared, Tula was racing to Rayner, who was scooping her up.

“Scarlett said I can stay with you,” she said.

“Of course you can stay with me, Tula,” Rayner answered, smiling down at her as the child toyed with the collar of his tunic.

Her little nose wrinkled. “She said I just have to be brave one more time, but I don’t have to be brave.”


“Because she said you will be there too. You never let anything bad happen to me. You are always brave for me,” she chattered, head tilting as she studied some of the embroidery on his tunic. “When we are done, can we bake cookies? The ones with the extra chocolate in them?”

“You actually bake?” Scarlett asked from where she was waiting for them near the pond.

“No,” Rayner said.

But Tula was giggling. “We make those one cookies, Rayner. The really yummy ones. We can make them after you’re done being brave, right? You will let me help? Oh! Can we make that cake with the strawberries too?”

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