Page 268 of Lady of Starfire

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“In the sky,” Nuri retorted. “You couldn’t let us have the ones on the ground?”

“We have more important things to worry about,” Scarlett said. “Callan said they have Drake.” That had her sisters straightening.

“I’ll track him down, then come find you,” Nuri said, pulling up her hood.

She was gone before Scarlett could say anything else. Turning to Juliette, she said, “Shall we?”

Juliette smiled, and together they charged into the fray. Between Juliette’s glimpses of what could be and Scarlett’s power, they cleared a way through the field like the Wraiths they were. Scarlett fought with flames and blades. Blood sprayed as she plunged her sword deep into a seraph, and her shadow panthers took down enemy soldiers one after another. Juliette released arrow after arrow, never missing a target, and when she ran out of arrows, she tossed the bow aside, drawing her sword.

She caught glimpses of the others. Sorin in the air with Razik, Cassius, and Tybalt. Flames of orange and black lit up the fading sky. Kailia was a blur as she appeared long enough to fire three arrows at once, already in another spot and firing again before the first set hit their marks. Cyrus, Eliza, and other Fire Fae were burning the seraphs everyone else fell, keeping them down. Cethin was clearly working to drain seraphs of their gifts, making them easier for the Fae to fight. His power was great enough he still had nearly full reserves after the Wind Court battle. The Avonleyan cadres were fighting with a precision and skill that Scarlett wished she had time to stop and marvel at, because fuck could they move and kill and decimate.

“Scarlett!” Juliette cried, and she didn’t need to ask what. They’d done this so many times, Scarlett knew from the way her sister said her name to drop low as Juliette’s sword swiped, going through an enemy Fae that had come up behind her.

Scarlett rolled, popping back to her feet with a dagger flying from her hand. Flames ignited down the blade a moment before it struck a seraph in the chest.

And then Nuri was there, her blades nothing but steel blurs as they moved through the air, taking down two soldiers at once.

“Did you find Drake?” Scarlett shouted over the screaming of the dying around them.

“Yes,” Nuri answered, flipping backwards a second before an arrow pierced the air where she’d been standing. “But Scarlett, there are Night Children here. Just arrived. And Drake is so heavily guarded, even I cannot get near him.”

A swirl of ashes appeared near her head, and she reached up, pulling a message from them. It was from Rayner, and all it said was:

They are coming for him.

“Fuck,” Scarlett spat. She turned to her sisters. “Make your way to Drake. If you have a chance to take him, do it. I have help coming.”


What do you need, Love?

Find me.

That was all she said as she raced back in the direction she had come. It didn’t take long. Only a minute or two before Sorin was landing beside her, fire exploding out in a wave to give them a moment.

“They have Drake,” Scarlett panted, bracing her hands on her knees. “But they are coming back for Callan. Rayner is with him, but this isn’t enough, Sorin. None of it is enough. We are losing too many. Even if I use all my Chaos—”

“Not an option. This is the time to bring them over, Scarlett,” Sorin interrupted.

“Now? We were saving them for the last battle.”

“This could be that. If things do not turn in our favor very quickly, this could very well be the last battle in the war,” Sorin said. “Call them.”

“They are a one time weapon, Sorin!”

“And now is the time to use them, Scarlett. Look around you!” he retorted, pulling back his flames for her to survey the carnage. “Do it! Or the mortal kings are lost, and this was all for nothing.”

He was right and that was terrifying. That this was their last card up their sleeve, and they had nothing else. No other power moves. No other secrets.

“I need some space,” she said, looking up into amber eyes.

An arm wrapped around her waist, and Sorin was hauling her into the sky. She could feel the heat from his wings and the shield he was holding around them as she began tunneling into herself. Into the Chaos. Into a place where she could call to those she now shared a power with.

All of them.

A panther as dark as the night.

A dragon who had fought in the Wind Court.

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