Page 247 of Lady of Starfire

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The three of them stood on a rooftop across the street from the Tyndell manor in the dead of night. The same rooftop where Scarlett and Nuri had found him one night. The same night he had learned who Scarlett really was.

“He had the wards altered,” Cassius said. “I can feel them from here. They are not the same ones I put up.”

They had expected as much, which is why they were here, figuring out what additional measures and protections had been added since they had been here last. Whatever had been done to the Tyndell manor would surely have been done to the Lairwood estate and castle.

“Can you get past them?” Sorin asked.

“Yes, but it will take some time,” Cass answered, brows furrowed as he tried to work through something he and Cyrus could not feel.

“Maybe we should figure out where Mikale actually is first,” Cyrus said. “So we don’t spend all our time finding our way into one place, only to learn he’s at another.”

“How do we figure that out?” Cassius said.

“He’ll be at his estate if he’s not required at the castle,” Sorin answered.

Cyrus glanced at him. “The reason behind that assumption?”

“He likes power and to feel in control. With the Fellowship gone, Alaric has taken up residence in the castle. Mikale will only be there when needed. At his estate, he holds all the power and is the most important man in the place,” Sorin said.

“That’s…a really valid point,” Cassius agreed.

“And even if he’s not there right away,” Sorin went on, “we can use the time to get in and wait for him. That might actually be better for us in the end.”

Cyrus shrugged. “Works for me.”

Sorin Traveled them so Cassius could maintain as much of his magic as possible to break through the wards. They were as close to the estate as they dared get, hidden in the shadows of a copse of trees near the east wall that ran the perimeter.

“It’ll take a while,” Cassius said again.

“Do your witchy thing,” Cyrus said, plopping down onto the ground to wait. “Let us know if you need anything.”

Sorin heard the muttered cursing beneath his breath as Cassius turned away from them. He lowered down next to his Second, leaning back against a tree while constantly listening for any sign that someone or something might be coming.

“How are you doing, Cyrus?” he asked in a hushed tone so as not to disturb Cassius.

“Great,” Cyrus muttered, plucking at some blades of grass.

“You realize if you hadn’t made that bargain with the Sorceress, we would have never learned of this portal key, right?”

Cyrus’s fingers paused for half a second before he pulled out another piece of grass. “If you’re trying to make me feel better about this mess, it is not necessary.”

“I am not trying to do that,” Sorin replied. “Just stating facts.”

“These rings could have been dealt with later. Fuck, we could have destroyed them after the Maraans were dead. It would have been a lot easier to track them down, that’s for sure.”

“That’s a fair point,” Sorin conceded. After a long stint of silence, he said, “You know no one blames you for any of this.”

“Yep. I know I am the only one doing that,” Cyrus said. “But I can’t… Or I couldn’t. Not until—” He paused, struggling for the words.

“Not until Cass,” Sorin said in understanding. “I get it, Cyrus.”

“He doesn’t fix me or whatever, but he grounds me. When I need it most.”

“I am happy for you, my friend.”

“I think…” He paused again, and Sorin knew if he could see him clearly, his features would be tight, lips rolled together as he gathered his thoughts. “I think I’m happy for me too, despite all the shit right now. I think I’m happy.”

“Good, Cyrus. You deserve happiness.”

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