Page 207 of Lady of Starfire

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Unthinkingly, she did so with her left hand, and of course, Sorin zeroed in on it.

“You have a new Mark, Eliza,” Sorin said carefully.

And Scarlett was darting forward, snatching Eliza’s hand and running her fingers over the Mark that wound down her thumb and forefinger. “He is your twin flame?”

Eliza jerked her hand back, pulling it back into her sleeve. “He… I…”

“What happened, Eliza?” Sorin asked, he and Rayner coming to stand by Scarlett. They all stared at her expectantly, waiting for an explanation.

So she told them everything. How she’d known for quite some time who he was to her. How she’d known before she took the Source Mark. She told them of Siofra, of Sawyer’s death, and of Nuri and Mordecai. She told them what had happened in the Fire Court. How she’d taken the twin flame Mark to find him. How she’d killed Varlis.

When she finished speaking, they all just stared at her. Not even Scarlett had some witty thing to say.

Sorin finally held out a hand, and Eliza pulled her left hand from the sleeve again, letting him examine the Mark. “He does not bear the companion Mark yet?” Eliza shook her head, and Sorin glanced up at her. “But he will take it?”

“Of course he’s going to take it,” Scarlett interrupted. Then her eyes shifted to Eliza, black wisps swirling among the silver irises. She bit her bottom lip. “Right?”

“He will take it,” Rayner said. “You two have not witnessed them together. All ofthis,” he gestured to the twin flame Mark, “explains a lot.”

Eliza jerked her hand back again, muttering a curse at the Ash Rider under her breath. Rayner smirked at her.

“Tell me what has happened with you,” she grumbled, crossing her arms tightly.

By the time they were done, it was Eliza’s turn to stare at them with nothing to say. She looked between the three of them, coming back to Scarlett before she finally got out, “You are essentially a First goddess?”

“I guess so,” she sighed. “A High Queen of the World Walkers with a little something more.” Her shadows appeared, thicker and darker than before, white embers drifting among them. Scarlett frowned. “A little something more…chaotic.”

“Let’s go get something to eat,” Sorin said, taking her hand. “We can discuss plans and go from there.”

“I will still go reclaim the Fire Court,” Eliza said. “As soon as Niara clears me—”

“Time is running out, but we can all take a minute to rest and breathe,” Sorin said. “Let’s reconvene tomorrow. Agreed?”

Eliza nodded, the bond in her chest stirring. She looked over her shoulder, half expecting to see Razik standing at the cave entrance. He wasn’t, but it was the most she’d felt the bond move since she’d given herself the Mark.

When she turned back, Sorin and Scarlett had knowing looks in their eyes.

“Today we rest. Tomorrow we save the world,” Scarlett said decidedly. “I need the day to figure out this Chaos, and you need a day to…figure things out with Razik.”

“Whatever,” Eliza muttered, crossing her arms once more. “Just come back tomorrow.”

“Send a message if you need anything,” Sorin said, worry still etched into his features.

Scarlett was right. He was a mother hen.

“I will see you all tomorrow,” she said, turning and heading towards the cave entrance.

“Eliza,” Scarlett called after her.

She glanced back to find a slow smirk spreading across Scarlett’s face.

“Sorin and I only got one night for our Joining Trial. I know we’re about to fight for the world and all, but I’ll try to give you at least a full day,” Scarlett said.

Eliza was already walking away again, flipping her off over her shoulder.

She felt the wards brush along her already too hot skin as she descended the steps back into the cave. What was he going to say when he woke up? What wasshegoing to say?

She’d said things in a blind panic in the Fiera Mountains.

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