Page 20 of Lady of Starfire

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“Forallowingme?” Callan repeated. “I am a king. No oneallowsme to do a godsdamn thing. If you refuse, I will find another way.”

A huff of amusement sounded, and Callan turned. He’d forgotten Razik was here, which was a feat in and of itself.

“Scarlett is the only one who can let you out of these Wards,your Majesty,” Razik drawled. “So it would appear you will indeed need the princess’s approval.”

“She is a queen,” Eliza snapped at him.

Razik shrugged. “She is notmyqueen. She is my kingdom’s princess.”

Eliza muttered something under her breath that Callan could not hear, but the corner of Razik’s mouth tilted up at whatever he heard.

“If Tava can be allowed to make her own choices, I should be given the same courtesy,” Callan said.

“It is not me you need to convince,” Razik replied. “But I agree nonetheless.”

“You do?” Callan and Eliza said at the same time.

“You left Cyrus and Neve across the sea to keep the mortal kings safe,” Eliza said, rounding on the male. “Now you are suddenly fine with Callan giving himself over to them?”

“I was not going to use them in negotiations without their say in how they went,” Razik said. “They are, in fact, royalty. Just as Cethin and Scarlett are. If they choose that path themselves, that is their right, just as it was Drake and Tava’s.”

“You do not get a say in this matter,” Eliza snapped at him. “This isn’t politicking. This ispersonal, which you have already stated to me you do not factor into your decision-making.” The male arched a brow at her, his arms folding across his chest, but he didn’t say another word. She turned back to Callan. “I know you care for her, Callan. I see that. I know it is different than Scarlett, but you cannot just go back there and give yourself over.”

“I am not giving myself over,” Callan interjected. “I am going to get Tava. It would be expected. She is my betrothed.”

“I think the ruse is up,” Eliza muttered, her hands fisting in the sleeves of her tunic.

“It is not a ruse. Not any longer.”

“Does Scarlett know this?”

“I do not know. However, I doubt the knowledge would have changed her actions,” he answered bitterly.

“True,” Eliza agreed. “But you put your entire kingdom in jeopardy by doing this.”

“Only if I am caught,” Callan argued.

Eliza huffed a humorless laugh. “And if you are? Who will save you, Callan?”

“Who will save Drake and Tava?”

“Lord Tyndell will not let anything happen to them,” Eliza repeated. “For whatever reason, he has protected them for the last two decades. I can only imagine he will continue to do the same.”

“To use them!” Callan said, his desperation rising. “If no one else will go aid them, then I will.”

“And your kingdom?”

“Will stand with them,” Callan said instantly.

“You are not on the throne right now, Callan. You have no forces to command. I do not understand why you do not get this.”

Before he knew what he was doing, Callan was advancing on Eliza.

“No!” Eliza cried out, flames flying from her palm, but not at him.

At Razik.

Callan hadn’t registered the snarl that had come from the male. He looked over at him to find his eyes shifted to vertical pupils and the faint outline of scales creeping along his flesh, but he had stilled, shielding against her flames. Eliza was tense, her eyes darting between him and Razik. Callan immediately took a step back from the fire general, but the rage he felt was still flooding through him. He couldn’t even call it rage. It was desperation at this point. He took a deep breath, trying to calm everything he was feeling and push it down.

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