Page 14 of Lady of Starfire

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Tybalt’s eyes went wide, and he blinked a few times before he said, “Where did you hear that term?”

Suddenly feeling like she had revealed something she shouldn’t have, she shook her head in dismissal, turning back to the windows. “Just a phrase I heard in passing. I am not familiar with the Avonleyan language and was curious as to the meaning.”

“That term is not Avonleyan,” Tybalt replied.

She knew that. Razik had told her it was a language not found in this world. But he’d also told her he wouldn’t tell her what it meant until she told him what the Mark over her heart meant. Which was something she would never discuss with him. But Tybalt clearly knew what it meant, and she couldn’t decide if his reaction to the term was good or bad.

Eliza shrugged indifferently. “Like I said, I heard it in passing and was curious.”

Tybalt hummed some sort of acknowledgment that told her he didn’t believe her in the slightest.

Razik appeared then, three books held in one of his large hands. He looked back and forth between her and Tybalt once, not appearing surprised to find them here, but he faltered at the look Tybalt gave him. The male was always emotionless and apathetic, except when Tybalt was around. When he was with his uncle, there was a respect he offered no one else, not even Cethin.

“Magdalena told me you were here,” Tybalt said. “I wanted to check in with you.”

How had Magdalena known they were here? They had Traveled directly into Razik’s rooms.

“Now is not the time,” Razik answered, passing one of the books to her.

“You are going to need to make some time, Razik.”

Eliza tried to focus on the book he had given her, feeling rather awkward at being here for this conversation. She flipped open the cover and then gave another frustrated sigh. The book was in Avonleyan. Another book she couldn’t read. If he seriously thought she was going to spend more time with him so he could read this to her, she needed to reevaluate his intelligence.

He reached over without looking at her and flipped a few of the pages while he continued to speak with his uncle. “Tonight perhaps.”

“Normally that would be acceptable except that we have received news from the Water Court.”

Eliza had been studying the page he had turned to, realizing this was a lesson book. He had given her a book that would allow her to begin learning to read the Avonleyan language. But the mention of the Water Court blessedly distracted her from the warm feeling that was growing in her chest.

“Sawyer made contact?” she asked.

Tybalt glanced at her, nodding. “Prince Azrael just informed the Royals. They are planning to send a unit in a few hours. Scarlett has asked if you would be willing to Travel with the unit again,” he answered, returning his attention to Razik.

Razik rolled his eyes. “Again? Can the Earth Prince not Travel them?”

“He is going as well. They would prefer two Travelers go for peace of mind. Until Cassius’s Source situation is figured out, Scarlett cannot go, nor can he,” Tybalt answered. He glanced at Eliza again. “Additionally, as you have acquired a new Source, you would be the strongest member of the unit. You know our kingdom’s best interests are aligned with theirs.”

“I will go, but I need more than a few hours.”

“And Eliza?” Tybalt asked, gaze flicking to her once more.

“Will go with me.”

“I will not,” Eliza sputtered.

Razik turned to face her fully, his brows rising. “No?”


“My apologies then, Milady. I thought since Niara had cleared you, you would be ready to go on a mission; but if you do not feel up to the task yet, I understand.”

She wanted to punch the male in the throat.

Razik smirked at her, as if he knew exactly what she was feeling, and Tybalt was looking back and forth between the two as though he was trying to work something out.

Something she didn’t want anyone to figure out. Ever.

“Either way, I will need to refill my magic before I go,” Razik said, turning back to Tybalt. “But when I return, we can have that check in you wish for.”

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