Page 27 of Unveiled

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My fists clench together with white knuckles, and my fingernails dig sharply into my palms. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve gone over the whole pregnancy thing in my head, driving myself crazy with possibilities of what might happen once the doctor walks in here. “Okay.”

I press my lips together, feeling the nerves and fear claw at my chest. “There’s something else I didn’t tell you.”

“What is it?” Her eyes glimmer with concern.

“Nunzio knows.”

“Knows what?”

I swallow, and it’s like razor blades going down my throat. “Yesterday. There was a note inside the bag with the pregnancy test.”

“A note?”

“Is it mine?” I breathe softly, as if not saying the words too loud would make it less terrifying. “That’s what the note said. ‘Is it mine?’”

“Oh, dear God.” She places a hand in front of her mouth, shock weaved across her expression.

“He knows, Leandra. He knows I ordered the pregnancy test, and the only thing I can think of is that he has my phone tapped or something.”

“Mira, you have to tell Nicoli. You have to tell him now.”

“I know. And I will. I just…I need to do this first.”

“This is dangerous, Mira.”

“I know that. And I swear I will tell Nicoli as soon as we’re done here.”

The door opens, and the doctor walks in, both Leandra and I snapping our attention toward him. It’s not the same doctor who treated me after Nicoli found me in the forest, and I wonder if he knows about it all, if all the Dark Sovereign doctors get briefed on whatever happens to whoever in this family.

Knowing the ranks in this house, he greets Leandra first. “Mrs. Del Rossa.”

“Hello, Doctor.”

He pushes his glasses higher up his nose as he sets down his briefcase. “You think you might be pregnant again?”

Leandra’s gaze cuts from him to me and back to him. “Not me, Doctor,” she says, and immediately, his attention shifts to me, staring at me, unblinking.

“Oh. The other Mrs. Del Rossa.”

Leandra stares at the doctor, her expression tight and unyielding. “Doctor,” she begins slowly, emphasizing each word with a measured tone, “this is a delicate matter, and I must insist on your discretion.”

A palpable sense of dread settles over his dark brows. “Mrs. Del Rossa, you are well aware of my position regarding your husband and this family.”

“I know that you are obliged to tell Alexius everything. All I’m asking is that whatever happens here today, you’ll guarantee your silence for at least a few hours. Just while we figure everything out.”

“Leandra,” I say, but keep my eyes pinned on the doctor. “I’ve got it from here.”

Leandra frowns, but she doesn’t question me. That’s one of the many things I appreciate about her; she’s not pushy like the rest of this family. She respects boundaries and privacy.

She nods lightly before opening the door. “I’ll be right outside if you need me.”

The doctor’s gaze is fixed on me as Leandra shuts the door behind her, the creases on his forehead deepening with worry. “Nicoli doesn’t know, does he?”

My throat convulses, and my stomach lurches as I take a step forward, fingers twitching and tightening into gnarled knots. “I’m afraid not.”

“May I ask why?”

“Because if I’m pregnant…there’s a chance the baby might not be his.”

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