Page 13 of Unveiled

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“Eyes on mine,” she orders softly before unzipping my trousers and pushing them down over my hips, freeing my cock. Her eyes darken and dilate as she looks down at my hard length, and like a fucking tease, she traces her fingertips down my V, exploring my body as though it’s something she has to commit to memory, all while avoiding the one place I’m aching for her to touch.

As if every inch of me is some sacred territory she needs to conquer, her gaze transfixed as she continues to stroke her fingertips across my abs. I’m suddenly taken back to a time when desire fueled us, not vengeance. When our passion for each other consumed us wholly. A time when we demanded pleasure unapologetically.

She turns on the shower, steam filling the room as the water heats up. “Step in,” she orders, and I obey, the scalding water cascading over my tense muscles. Mira follows me, the droplets clinging to her golden hair like diamonds.

“Does it make me a monster if this turns me on?” she asks softly. “Knowing you’ve killed for me. Committed unthinkable violence, spilled blood—” her green eyes dart up to mine “—all because you love me?”

Abruptly, I grab her jaw, gripping it tight as I force her to lean back while her eyes remain on mine. “It doesn’t make you a monster, Hummingbird,” I murmur. “It makes you my queen.”

“Promise me, Nicoli,” Mira murmurs, her breath hot against my ear. “Promise me that we’ll face it together no matter what happens. Whether we lose this battle or rise in victory, we do it…together.”

“I promise,” I vow, my voice shaking with the weight of my words. As Mira continues to wash away the remnants of my violent past, I feel a strange sense of hope stir within me. Together, bound by love and vengeance, we will survive the darkness that lies ahead.

“Isn’t it ironic,” she says as she starts to lather soap on my body. “I had to go through hell to realize that you’re not my Prince Charming, but rather my Dark Prince.”

The intensity of her words, coupled with the gentle pressure of her hands as they work to cleanse my skin, sends a shudder through my body. It’s a potent mix of fear, desire, and determination that leaves me reeling. In this moment, surrounded by steam and shadows, our connection feels stronger than ever.

The steady stream of water cascades over our entwined bodies, droplets clinging to Mira’s golden hair like stars in the night sky. Her hands move with a purpose, washing me, cleaning me, the lather of soap slippery between our naked bodies.

She reaches for my hand. “Does it hurt?” she asks softly.

“Only when I think about what Nunzio did to you,” I confess, the raw honesty in my voice echoing through the steamy confines of the shower.

“Nicoli,” Mira murmurs, wrapping herself around me even tighter, “you’re doing everything possible to find him and make him pay. I see that. I know that.”

Her words sting with the unspoken truth, that despite my efforts, Nunzio remains elusive, a ghost haunting our lives. I grit my teeth, fighting back the frustration building inside me.

“Every day that bastard breathes is another day that justice goes unserved,” I say, unable to keep the bitterness from seeping into my tone.

Mira’s hand moves to cup my face, fingertips tracing the contours of my cheekbone. Her touch is like fire against my skin, igniting a desire that threatens to consume me whole. “You’ll find him. I don’t doubt it for a second. And when you do, you and I’ll bathe in his blood together.”

Our mouths collide, passion and rage mingling as we come together in a moment of desperate intensity.

For a fraction of a second, time stands still. The world around us fades away until all that matters is the two of us, united by love, intent on revenge…stronger than ever.

With tongues tangling in a desperate attempt to convey the love and rage coursing through our veins, Mira holds me tight against her, her fingers dancing across my back as she whispers against my lips, “Promise me no matter what happens…we’ll face it together.”

I gather her closer, crushing our bodies together until I feel like nothing can separate us ever again. Our hearts beat as one, two halves of an unbreakable force. “I promise, Hummingbird.”

The water shuts off with a sudden finality, leaving only the sound of our ragged breathing to fill the bathroom. I gaze at Mira, her eyelashes heavy with droplets and her skin flushed from the heat. The sight of sheer desire flashing in her eyes sets a flame burning deep in my soul, one only she can quench.

She licks her lips, those beautiful cherry-reds I could kiss for eternity.

“Nicoli.” She breathes my name like a prayer, and I do the only thing I can. I gather her in my arms, lifting her feet off the ground as I clutch her naked body against my chest, carrying her into the bedroom, leaving wet footprints on the carpet.

For the first time in what feels like an eternity, I can let go of the guilt, anger, and unyielding need for revenge. In this moment, it is just Mira and me, our connection transcending the ugliness of the world outside.

I place her down on her feet, and the atmosphere shifts and thickens with a hunger that can no longer be ignored. Mira’s green eyes, usually so bright and lively, are now darkened by desire as they roam over my body. My breathing is heavy, raw need pulsing through my veins as I pull her close, our lips crashing together in a heated kiss.

“Nicoli,” she gasps, her nails digging into my shoulders as our tongues tangle. “I need you.”

“Fuck, Mira… You have no idea how much I want you right now.” My voice is hoarse, barely audible over the pounding of my heart. As our bodies press closer, the slickness of our wet skin only heightens our touch's intensity.

Mira’s fingers trace the contours of my chest, sliding lower to grip my throbbing cock. A guttural moan escapes me, and I can’t help but grind into the warmth of her hand. She knows exactly how to touch me, every stroke, every caress, driving me closer to the edge of insanity.

“Please, Nicoli…” Her plea is desperate, her breath hot against my ear. “I need you to love me like you used to. Without limits. Without reservations.”

The power of her words pushes me past the point of no return. I lift her up in one swift motion, her legs wrapping around my waist as I carry her to the bed. The soft fabric of the sheets does little to cushion the force with which I lay her down, grabbing her knees and yanking them open, exposing that beautiful, swollen, pink cunt of hers. And with a growl, I slam my mouth over her wet pussy, my tongue sliding hungrily through her slit, her taste driving me fucking insane. She gasps, weaving her fingers through my hair, writhing beneath me. I thrust my tongue deep inside her, swirling around her clit as she moans and cries out for more.

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