Page 5 of Ruthless Heir

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Payment for bail.

Payment for my rent.

Payment for the damage I stupidly did to Jethro’s car.

When Asher slides into the driver’s seat the tension between us feels like it might combust.

We pull out of the parking lot onto the road and he cuts me a hard glance.

“Did you seriously have to torch your landlord’s car?” His voice rumbles like thunder around us.

“He took Mom’s ring. He deserved worse.”

“I’m aware. But you’re insane. Arson is a felony.” His voice rises and his face reddens, making me feel chastised. “You can’t go around setting fire to people’s cars. You’re lucky that ingrate took my money to repair the car and drop the charges.”

“I’ll pay you back as soon as I can.”

Asher whips me another scathing stare. “With what money?”

“I’ll find a way. Rob a bank? Sell my eggs?” I hear my words and wish I could mop them up like beer spilled on the bar, but I act confident and volley a steely stare back at him.

“No egg selling. The world doesn’t need any more brainless Harper St. Johns trying to right wrongs.” His jaw clenches, making him look even meaner. “What the hell are you doing in this town anyway?”

A tremor of dread shoots through me. I have to lie to keep my secret from him. “I had to get away from L.A.”

“Why didn’t you go to New York? Aren’t you transferring to NYU?”

I roll my eyes at him. “I almost forgot Josh tells you everything.”

“Of course he does. We’ve been friends for over twenty years. So, why the small town?”

“I’m still on the waiting list for housing.”

“You could have lived with Josh.”

“I needed to be on my own.”

“Josh is worried sick about you.” Asher speeds faster along the dark shadowy road. “Everyone believes you’re in Europe. Why would you lie like that?”

Because I had to.“I didn’t want to bother Josh.” That’s the truth, too. A half-truth. “He’s done enough for me. I wanted him to spend time with Lisa. She’s only seen him once this year. He loves being in the Navy but since he made lieutenant his assignments have gotten longer.”

I thought my answer was a reasonable one but Asher’s expression becomes stonier.

“When you called Josh from jail he was in Florida to propose to Lisa. He tried to be here for you but he couldn’t get a flight.”

Icy fingers of guilt slide down my throat. “Oh my God. I feel so bad.”

“Good. You should feel bad. Your brother was willing to trash his plans, postpone proposing, all because of your immature ass.”

My ribs squeeze as if ropes are wrapped around them, and everything inside me feels tight and hot at the same time.

“You don’t have to make me feel worse.” I try to keep the quiver out of my voice but fail.

“I was the one who drove three hours to this grubby little town to bail you out of jail. So, yes, you should feel bad.”

My blood heats, fueled by exhaustion, frustration and shame. “I’m sorry the town was unfitting for a billionaire like you with a silver spoon shoved up his ass.”

I know I’m pissing him off but I don’t care. I’m done being nice. He can take his kick-a-girl-while-she’s-already-down attitude right back to hell.

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