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I’d taken Dmitry and Nikolai to my office that overlooked the gardens simply because I wanted to keep an eye on Tatiana. I couldn’t stop thinking about her, couldn’t stop touching her when she was near.

I’d had business to deal with on the West Coast, and because my sisters wanted to come back “home” to visit, it was the perfect chance for Dmitry and Nikolai to come and for us to deal with all the shit we found out since the last time we met up.

Seeing the women in the garden brought a smile to my face. This home had held a lot of shitty, nightmarish memories. But over the years, after my father had been killed and my mother had moved away, I tried my hardest to make good memories for mysisters. I wanted them to know this place could be one in which they found happiness and comfort.

I turned and faced the Russian brothers, who had their gazes trained out the windows as well, no doubt admiring their wives and enjoying the peace on their sister’s face. I paced, my mind racing with all the information I found out from my informants.

A bit of money and drugs tossed their way opened more doors for finding out even more shit. It helped that they knew my reputation and that I’d cut off tips of fingers and toes to get what I wanted. Needless to say, they all sang like fucking canaries.

I moved over to my desk and took a seat at the same time Dmitry moved from the window. The silence between the three of us was thick, broken only by the occasional distant sound of Luca screeching in happiness as he ran around.

“What did you find out about The Stygian Syndicate?” I growled, finally breaking the silence. I leaned back and looked over at Dmitry. After a second, Nikolai finally turned and faced me as well but still stood by the window, so he could peek out each time his son let out a squeal. Just in case.

Dmitry scrubbed a hand over his dark hair and gestured for Nikolai to speak.

“The Stygian Syndicate is the Greek Mafia.”

I’d found out as much, so I added, “And Carmine’s been working with them.”

Dmitry's eyes seemed dark and cold. “The Stygian Syndicate came out of fucking nowhere. But it’s clear they aren’t working alone, even before we knew Carmine was involved.”

I didn't know the hard facts and details about Carmine’s connection, but there were murmurs about the Head of Italy dipping into other business ventures, and I’d found out enough to know that his rogue bullshit was causing issues.

“You’re sure about Carmine?” both Nikolai and Dmitry asked in unison.

“I don’t have any hard proof, but I know he’s doing rogue shit. He was the one to make the order about Maksim, and he specifically wantedmeto carry it out.”

Dmitry growled, and I could feel an iciness settle over the room.

“He wanted me to do it, so it caused issues between the three of us. He wanted that rift, that tear,” I murmured, cursing at how I hadn’t come to that reality sooner.


But what I didn't understand was why Carmine—Head of the Cosa Nostra in Italy—was workingwith a much smaller crime organization. It made me question what said Mafia had that Carmine wanted that badly.

“What I don’t understand is why,” I said to myself. “Carmine is at the top of the Italian Mafia.” I was speaking louder now, my thoughts broadcasted to the other two men. “He has power, resources. Why would he lower himself by reaching out to work with the Greek Mafia?”

Dmitry’s jaw tightened, and a hard pause of complete silence followed my words. I could see the brothers were rolling this around in their heads, knowing something I didn’t, or maybe reaching for a reason.

“Because the Greek Mafia has something he doesn’t—and that something is what we need to find out.” Nikolai started pacing now.

“No doubt Carmine’s been using the Greek Mafia to get their hands dirty because he doesn't want to.”

“Well, it’s our mission now to fucking find out why Carmine wants to use and work with The Stygian and what his end goal is.”

Dmitry nodded. “He’s a fucking snake,” he seethed, and the sound of him grinding his teeth echoed in the room.

“Carmine’s promised them something?—”

“Something fucking big,” Nikolai cut me off, his voice low, menacing.

Behind my rage was the cold, bitter taste of betrayal. I felt an icy wave of realization wash over me. Carmine had done all of this behind my back, behind the Cosa Nostra’s back.

Jesus Christ… the betrayal cut deep. It was sharper than any blade.

“When we find out what the fuck is going on, we hit back. Hard.” I stared Nikolai and Dmitry in the eyes. “We show Carmine and everyone involved with him we don’t fuck around. And anyone who comes knocking on our door will get our wrath.” My lips curled into a bitter smile. “I can guarantee one fucking thing. Carmine will regret ever thinking he could betray us.”

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