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I try for a smile.

“Is something wrong?” Lenna asks me, concern lining her freckled face. “You don’t look too well.”

“She’s exhausted.” Tallula drawls with a sigh. “It’s the stupid council meetings. If the Aldarelfs were not so pig-headed we could have all gone home by now.”

They both burst into laughter and I can’t help but smile. Tallula’s eyes seem to glow brighter when she’s speaking to me than with Svenn. I realized then my envy had been misplaced.

A product of my desperate, foolish heart.

My darling handmaiden had done nothing wrong. I feel like a monster for the ugly thoughts I had earlier. A witch who lives by the hill.

I hate the vile thoughts the bond puts in my head. It’s terrifying. I don’t want to be like this.I throw my hands around Tallula, embracing her tightly.

I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

The girl hugs me right back. “Your Highness? What’s wrong?”

“I’m all right. I just—”

My heart clamors in my chest the moment I realize what I just did. I’m supposed to be a calm, clear-headed High Elf who keeps her emotions controlled.

The secret I’ve been keeping for years…

Before I can let go of her, Lenna joins in, making the hug even more awkward.

But this feels nice. I needed this. I stay in our group hug for a long moment.

“Are you sure you’re all right?” Tallula asks quietly.

I nod, slowly releasing them. “I am fine…”

It takes a moment for me to collect myself.

“Tell us what we can do for you. We eflings stick together—” Lenna quickly clasps her mouth.

Her unfinished words mirror my earlier thought. “You knew?”

The girls watch me quietly for several beats. They exchange a look with one another and nod to my question. It makes me worry who else could have known this secret.

“We’ve known you’re not a High Elf for a while now,” Lenna admits.

Tallula seems to be able to read the worry in my face. “We wouldn’t have found out if we didn’t overhear Lady Deirdre’s argument with your uncle three years ago.”

“Please don’t make Lord Rainer and his Grimsbane kill us in our sleep,” Lenna pleads, clasping her hands together.

“Of course I wouldn’t do that,” I say quickly.

Lenna takes my hand into hers. “If you’re stressed out, maybe we can go for a walk and pick berries later.”

“How about we sneak you to the opera?” Tallula suggests mischievously. “I know a secret passage to get around town.”

“No way! I just did my nails. I’m not going into the sewer,” Lenna whines in frustration.

“Sewer?” I ask.

“The underground passage of Windhaven’s old drainage systems connects to everywhere all across town,” Talulla whispers conspiratorially. “We can get to the theatre in no time.”

“I don’t want to get sewage over my new shoes,” Lenna protests once again. “Just camouflage the queen with a heavy cloak and Lady Deirdre will never find out.”

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