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The visibility improves significantly in the deeper waters. I glimpse the shine of metal like the glimmer of a silver coin in sunlight. It takes a while for me to reach the Gamghat despite the heavy stone weighing my quick descent into the deep blue.

Moss and rust cover the steel containment. It truly lived to its name as an underwater coffin. My heart sinks almost like the stone I released from my hand.

A pale, white seadragon resides in the metallic cage in the frigid water. No land animal could have grown to that size, not even an elephant. Yet, it is far smaller than the horrifying tales told by the corsairs in Völundr.

A juvenile perhaps.

It doesn’t even have horns yet. The creature thrashes violently at the sight of me, her large obsidian eyes blinking near-frantic. That whimper from her is the same soft voice I heard earlier.

Do not be afraid,I tell the panicking young dragon.I mean you no harm.

I am not sure if this baby dragon understands my projection in her head, but she ceases moving for a moment.

I am Rhianelle. I am a friend.

The river dragon once told me that attempting a conversation with a human or an elf is like trying to speak to a bug. I gather my courage to touch her pectoral fin.

She doesn’t flinch from my touch.

I move about to inspect her cage. A smile rises to my face at the curious, sentient eyes trailing me. I must seem like a peculiar talking insect to her.Of course, I don’t kid myself into forgetting that this creature is wild and fae.

This prism is smaller than the ones used to capture seadragons. I believe this one is meant to fend off the fae’s orcafin from nearing the beach. The framework remains the same and I find the pulley at the bottom of the cage.

You have pretty eyes. I tell the seadragon.

I keep talking to her, hoping it’s amusing enough to distract her from attacking.

How long have you been stuck here?

She doesn’t answer.

I figure it must be a while. There’s no way the seadragon can accidentally enter this death trap with her current size. Sorrow clutches me again at the thought of her living in solitude inside this confinement.

I am going to get you out of here.

It takes several attempts for me to grapple the slippery hidden latch.

One, two, heave.

I give it several more goes.

Try as I might, the stubborn metal will not budge.

The seadragon finally seems to understand I’m trying to help. I see the hope and excitement glittering in her eyes.

“Kiiska.”Her soft voice floats into my mind, as soft as a river stream. “I am Kiiska.”

I nod to her with a smile.Hello, Kiiska. Let’s free you out of this thing, all right?

If I don’t do this quickly, my seven minutes will run out. I search deep within me, rallying my strength for another pull.

The lever finally gives but the device’s door remains sealed. Panic wrecks every nerve in my body when look at my hand.

Oh no…

I’m holding the rusted, broken handle of the Gamghat with my trembling hand. The seadragon whimpers, vocalizing the crumbling despair I feel in my chest.

A rough, callused hand tugs my elbow and I’m prepared to shove the broken metal into whatever creature trying to attack me—

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