Page 51 of Offside Bride

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“There you are!”

We all turn to see Owen ambling towards us, a knowing smirk on his face. Great, just what this situation needs—more witnesses to my humiliation.

“Owen!” Emily squeaks, “What are you doing here?”

He holds up his phone, wiggling it playfully. “I’ve got my ways, babe.”

Emily’s shock melts into a gooey smile. “Aww, you followed me? That’s so sweet!”

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Sweet? More like borderline stalkerish. But who am I to judge? I’m the one who just got caught red-handed following my fake husband.

Owen’s eyes lock on Emily in her ridiculous cat burglar clothes. “Wow, This outfit is…bringing back memories.”

Emily giggles—actually giggles—and bites her bottom lip seductively. I resist the urge to gag.

“Okay, lovebirds,” I interject, waving my hands between them. “Maybe take this walk down horny memory lane somewhere more private?”

They barely seem to hear me. Emily’s running her fingers through Owen’s hair.

I exchange a look with Sawyer, who seems just as uncomfortable as I am. We’re basically invisible.

The way Owen looks at Emily is positively wolfish. “What are we investigating, Detective?”

“Crimes of the heart,” Emily coos.

I wave my arms like a lunatic. “Uh, guys? We’re still here.”

But they’re lost in their own world now. Owen whispers something in Emily’s ear and her cheeks turn red.

“Okay!” I interrupt loudly, clapping my hands. “That’s enough of that. We’re in public, people!”

“I might have a mystery you could solve,” Emily says, her voice low and sultry.

I feel my breakfast threatening to make a reappearance.

Sawyer clears his throat theatrically, and only then does Owen take his eyes off Emily.

“Oh!” Owen stutters. “We…uh. Gotta go, so uh…nice to see ya, bye.”

He takes Emily’s hand, and as they practically sprint down the street, I turn to Sawyer with a grimace. “Well, that was…”

“Nauseating?” Sawyer offers, looking equally disturbed.

“I was going to say ‘scarring’, but yeah, that works too.”

“So I guess you’re stuck with me now,” he says.

I hold up my phone with an embarrassed smile. “I sure am. Now I can spy on you from home like a regular, run-of-the-mill housewife.” I half-heartedly chuckle as I slowly back away, waving like a dummy. “Enjoy your…I’ll just go now.”

Sawyer’s warm hand wraps around my wrist, stopping me in my tracks. My heart skips a beat at his touch.

“You’re not going anywhere,” he says, his voice low and commanding. He pulls me into him, his strong arms encircling me. His embrace, warm and gentle.

I look up into his eyes, suddenly feeling vulnerable and exposed. His massive hands move to my cheeks, covering my whole face, and I’m suddenly very aware of how close we are. I can feel the heat radiating from his body, smell his soap.

“You’re such a melodramatic little worrywart,” he murmurs, his eyes searching mine.

My breath catches as he leans in and presses a soft kiss to my forehead. The tenderness of the gesture catches me off guard, and I feel my defenses crumbling. Then, he rests his brow against mine, and I’m struck by how intimate this moment feels.

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