Page 77 of Head Over Skates

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“Mark has no proof of these outrageous allegations." Despite her confident words, her face has gone pale. “It's his word against mine."

"Not quite," Emily pipes up. She holds up her phone. "I just recorded you admitting that you stole the trophy to protest gender inequality at the Titans."

She presses play and Nancy's incriminating words fill the small office.

"As one of the few women in upper management, I'm extremely underpaid compared to my male colleagues... if one were to steal the trophy as a form of protest, it would be to shed light on the rampant inequality in this organization."

You could hear a pin drop in the loaded silence that follows.

Nancy opens and closes her mouth wordlessly before finally sputtering, "That... that's not admissible. You didn't have my consent to record me!"

Emily just smiles sweetly. "Actually, only one party has to consent to a recording. And that would be me."

"Now just a minute," Nancy sputters. "That was all hypothetical, I never actually confessed to?—"

“Maam,” One of the cops steps toward her, “It would be wise to stop talking now. Anything you say or do may be used against you in court.”

Nancy sinks down in her plush leather chair, all the fight gone out of her. The officer cuffs her wrists while reading her rights.

Emily winks at me, her eyes dancing with mischief and triumph. I've never been more attracted to this woman. The second we're alone, I'm gonna kiss that smirk right off her face.

"You little minx," I whisper into her ear.

As the officers prepare to take Nancy out of the room, Coach shakes his head at us.

“Why am I not surprised to find you two in the middle of this? I thought I told you I would handle it.”

“You did,” I say. “We were just minding our business when she all but dragged us in here.”

He glares at me. “Really?”

“It’s true,” says Emily. “We were on our way to pick up his brother from school. I must have accidentally hit record on my phone.”

I nod. “Actually, he’ll be out of class soon…”

One of the police officers approaches us with a notepad in hand. “We’re going to need your statements. Don’t go anywhere.”

Emily frowns.

“Not so fun after all, is it?” Coach gloats. “Now let’s put this unpleasant business behind us and focus on hockey.”

I flopdown on the bench outside the police station, exhausted after hours of questioning. Emily plops down next to me, equally drained.

"Well, that was an ordeal," I say. “Why make us come all the way down to the station?”

Emily nods. "No kidding. I'm glad it's over."

I turn to look at her, still in awe. "You are brilliant," I tell her, stroking her chin.

Emily bites her lip, glancing down shyly. "Really?"

"Really," I say earnestly. "Watching you in action was a massive turn-on, not gonna lie."

She snorts. “It doesn’t take much to turn you on.”

“So, wanna get outta here?” I waggle my eyebrows suggestively. “I believe we have some trust falls to practice.”

Emily laughs and smacks my chest. “You’re ridiculous.”

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