Page 71 of Wicked Little Games

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A blush warms my cheeks. “Do you really think so?”

“Oh, yeah. I bet he’s a vers, you know, wants to top and bottom. You told me that you two have a lot of anal, even if you don’t enjoy it. I bet you would like it if Jordan and I fucked you at the same time.”


“We could. One dick in your pussy, the other in your ass. He loves going down on you too, right? I could fuck him while he eats you out.”

“Eli, stop. Please just stop and leave. You don’t have to go back to Vegas. You’re finally free of my father. You could go anywhere once we patch up the bullet wound.”

“Vegas is my home, Maddie. Yours too.”

I shake my head in disagreement. “It’s not my home anymore. Rockland is my home. Jordan is my home, even if I kind of want to stab him in the dick right now.”

“Hey, Sophie actually did stab a man in the dick!” Eli says with a chuckle.

“Sophie? No way.”

“Her mobster husband rubbed off on her.”

“Is she…happy with Lochlan? Like, is it a real marriage?”

“Unlike yours, yes, it’s a real, official marriage. They actually love each other too. Why? Are you jealous you didn’t snatch Lochlan up when you had the chance?”

“No. I’ll never regret my decision to leave,” I tell him honestly. “Even if everything I built here feels like it’s falling apart.”



“Jordan?” Colt exclaims as soon as I walk into Greer’s bar. It’s barely noon on Sunday but I need a drink. All four Fulton boys and Thane are already here too playing cards at one of the tables. They get to their feet and surge for me. Cole reaches me first, throwing his arms around me. “Where the hell have you been? We thought you were dead!”

“And yet you all were here drinking and playing cards as a way to grieve?” I say sarcastically as I embrace him back, then RJ, Thane, Bear and Remy last.

“Fuck, you know we were worried,” RJ says.

“We’ve looked everywhere,” Thane adds.

“The sheriff deputies are still searching too, and they are pissed,” Remy remarks as he types on his cell phone. “I’ll tell them to call off the search, but they’re probably going to arrest you.”


“Your mom has been losing her shit,” Colt tells me. “That’s why I’m here. I couldn’t stay there with her another second unable to tell her you would be okay when we weren’t sure you would be with a crazy ass murderer on the loose.” Punching me in the shoulder, he says, “Where the hell were you? You just up and disappeared. We seriously thought the eyeball psycho had you.”

“No, I just…got tied up in something unexpected with Maddie,” I tell them, which is mostly the truth.

While I wish Eli would die a slow painful death for not only telling Maddie what we did but, fuck, letting her watch us, I don’t tell the Kings it was Eli who killed those men or kidnapped me. They would definitely finish him, and I don’t want his death on Maddie’s conscience.

Even if I sort of hate her at the moment for fucking him. Multiple times. Coming on his dick when the other day was the first time she came on mine after more than a year. Of course, that makes me feel like a giant piece of shit who doesn’t know how to fuck his wife. Or my pretend wife.

Shaking my head to clear those thoughts, I tell Colt, “That particular problem is the reason why I’m here.” I take a seat at the closest table, my legs still not at full strength. I nearly wrecked Maddie’s car to get here. The guys all pull up a chair, as I tell them, “Do any of you happen to know of a doctor, or a surgeon, who makes house calls?”

“Why do you need a doctor or a surgeon?” Remy asks. “Is Maddie okay?”

“Yeah, yeah. Oh, Maddie is just fucking fine.”

“So why do you need a doctor?” Colt asks.

“There’s a…situation.”

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