Page 67 of Wicked Little Games

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“I was trying to protect you! You have no idea what Eli is capable of doing to you.”

“Oh, trust me, I have an idea now. I can’t believe you thought he would fuck you then keep his word.”

“What other choice did I have?”

“Here’s the thing, Maddie. I can handle him. I didn’t need you to save me.”

“How exactly did you handle him, Jordan? Do you think you were handling him when your dick was in his mouth, and you were begging for more?”

“Unlike you,Ididn’t have a choice!” I remind her. “I couldn’t leave or stop him because I was handcuffed and tied down. You, though, you made a deal with him to willingly let him fuck you! I don’t know which is worse, all the lies you’ve told me or the factthat you could so easily cheat on me. It’s like I don’t even know who the fuck you are!”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry I fucked him and I’m sorry that I lied. Ihatedlying to you, but it was the only way to escape my prison.”

“Your prison. Oh, come on.”

“My father is a mobster!”


“So, he refused to let me leave the casino. I couldn’t go to college or have a normal life. I didn’t have any friends.”

“At least tell the boy why Dante was so protective,” Eli interjects, butting in yet again.

“My father has enemies who would kill me to hurt him.”

“Which is why it was so stupid for you to run,” Eli mutters.

“Nobody knows who I am here. I was confident that Daddy wouldn’t publicize my disappearance. And Jordan is a member of a biker club. They’re not some pushovers. The Savage Kings carry guns and hurt people who hurt them.”

“Yes, baby boy did aterrificjob of protecting you from me and the fucking PI human trafficker he brought right to your doorstep. Should we give him a little gold sticker that says so?”

“Fuck you!” I yell at Eli.

“I’d rather fuck you,” he replies. “Would you let me fuck you? If it was to keep Maddie safe?”

My anger deflates as I finally realize why Maddie was so quick to let Eli inside of her.

“Thankfully, he doesn’t have to ever touch you again,” Maddie tells Eli. To me she says, “Maybe it’s best if I just go back to Vegas and end this nightmare for you.”


I don’t say the word, but I think it.

Even after everything we’ve been through, all the lies and the cheating, I don’t want Maddie to go.

“Maddie, sweetheart, do you really think I would have suggested you fuck me if I didn't think you wanted it?” Eli asks her. “Do you think I would’ve sucked the boy’s dick if I didn’t know he wanted me to do it? He loved every second. He may not admit it, but I know these things. I bet he wants to fuck me now just to get back at you for doing it first.”



Jordan goes over and leans down, grabbing Eli by the front of his half-buttoned dress shirt, his right fist clenched as if to hit him. He likely has no idea that Eli is a trained MMA fighter. If Jordan starts a fight with him, he won’t win, not even when Eli is on the floor with a bullet wound.

“Jordan, I’m sorry. Please! I’ll leave. Right now.”

“Do you actually think that decision has ever been up to you since the second I found you in this shithole town? This is for me, Maddie. And for him,” Eli says, not sounding the least bit concerned about a fight with Jordan. If fact, he studies me calmly over Jordan’s body. “I think you’ll enjoy it too, watching the two of us together.”

“No, I won’t!”

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