Page 50 of Wicked Little Games

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“Fine,” I agree with a heavy sigh. Removing my phone from my inner suit jacket pocket, I pull up the feed to the camera I hid up in the AC unit while Jordan was sleeping. Thankfully the creepy camper has Wi-Fi. When I have the live feed on the screen, time and date stamp at the bottom right corner, I turn it around and show Maddie.

She reaches for my phone, but I pull it back, holding it out of reach. “One look before we get started,” I remind her.

“I can’t even tell if that’s him!”

“It is.” I bring it closer to her face, wondering if she needs to have her eyes checked. I would recognize those abs and his cock anywhere.

“He’s…he’s naked? Why is he naked, Eli?!”

Shrugging, I tell her, “I keep all my captives naked. That’s step one of torture. People loathe being naked in front of strangers. Now take off your robe.”

“Wait,” she says, reaching for the phone again that I have to pull back. Glaring at me, she says, “I want to make sure he’s breathing, and not bleeding anywhere, and see the date and time.”

It’s a good thing I wiped those smears of blood off, or she would think he was bleeding.

Sighing, I zoom in on his body stretched out on the table like my very own buffet, and let her see the close-up, the rise and fall of his chest. “He’s perfectly fine. I even fed and watered him before I left. The restraints will ensure he doesn’t try to leave.”

Faster than I can react, she reaches up, swiping the image over. “What’s that at his feet? Is that another man tied up?”

“Ah, yes. He’s dead,” I tell her honestly.

“Jesus, Eli! You left Jordan in a room with a dead man?”

Good, she hasn’t realized he’s in a camper yet.

“Don’t worry. I’ll dispose of him. Probably tomorrow if I’m not too tired after tonight,” I assure her. “I’ll make sure his body is never found since he’s got Jordan’s DNA on him,” I add with a wink.

Apparently, that comment isn’t as comforting to her as I thought it would be. Maddie’s face goes pale. “Why-why is Jordan’s DNA…how?”

“Oh that. It’s just his urine. No biggie.”

“His urine?”

“The boy had to take a piss, and the dead man deserved to be pissed on.”

She slaps her palm over her mouth. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

“You’re not pregnant, are you?” I ask. “Because Cass is, and she only just finally stopped puking.”

Blinking up at me, Maddie says, “Cass is pregnant?”


“What? How?”

“Well, when a man and a woman fuck, if the man comes inside of her when she’s ovulating, they make a baby.”

“I know how it happens! And no, I’m not pregnant. Who is the father?”

“Ah, wouldn’t you like to know.”

“Yes! That’s why I fucking asked you!”

Growling under my breath, I tell her, “I’m not appreciating this belligerent tone of yours. In fact, until my balls are empty, I refuse to give you any other details about your siblings.”

The reminder of how she’s about to spend her night causes Maddie to lift the gun.

“Not this again,” I huff before I put my phone away and then walk right up to the gun barrel, letting it press against my sternum. “Either pull the trigger or take off the fucking robe but quit wasting my time.” Maddie doesn’t lower the gun. She doesn’t pull the trigger either, though. “Do I have to do everything?” I ask as I tug on either side of her robe, yanking the sleeves down her shoulders. The material hangs from her right arm still extended toward me holding the gun, but the rest of her flawless perfect naked body is revealed to me.

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