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Now he finally glances up at me like I’m crazy, his blond eyebrows raised. “That is a weird fucking question, kid.”

“Could you just think about it and give me an honest response. Please?”


“I’m curious.”

Standing up to his full height with the air gun in his hand, he stares off in the distance for several long moments. Moments that turn into minutes. “No,” he eventually says before going around to the front right tire.

“No? Just no? You don’t have anything else to say?”


“Are you only saying no because you don’t want Thane to find out?” Leaning down, I whisper even though it’s only the two of us in the shop. “Listen, your secrets are safe with me. I will never say a word to Thane, not even when I’m drunk, if you tell me you miss titties.”

RJ chuckles and shakes his head. “Seriously, kid, I haven't thought much about titties in a very long time.”


He stares at me a moment, then asks, “Do you think I only love Thane for his dick?”

“No, of course not.”

“Good, because there’s a lot more to love about him. That’s just one little, one big thing, that I appreciate about him. And sure, he’s also got a great ass. But even if he was like in a bad car accident and lost every part of his body from the waist down, I would still love him.”

“You would?”

“Yes! For better or for worse. Those are the vows. I love the person he is, not the physical body he resides in.”

“Ah, sure. Yeah. I get all of that, I do. But do you think it would mean that you love him less if you still dreamed about, say, boobs?”

“What’s with all the tit questions?”

“I’m just curious,” I repeat yet again.

“I don’t think about anyone else’s body parts ever, no man or woman’s, because I love Thane. It would be like a betrayal to him if I did, right?”

“No. I mean, I don’t know. That’s what I'm trying to figure out.” Trying a different angle, I ask, “What about horny dreams? Do you have those about women?”

“My dreams aren’t usually sex dreams,” RJ remarks.

Okay. That’s surprising.

“Are yours?” he asks.

“Well, yeah. I thought everyone had sex dreams, especially men.”

“I don’t. If I’m horny, I just kiss Thane and ask for what I want, then we do it and I fall asleep content. Happy. There’s nothing else I want or need, so I dream about fixing Harleys and riding on long road trips. Sometimes I dream my tooth fell out and I look fucking ridiculous, but then Thane takes me to the dentist, and makes them fix it.”

“Wow. Okay. I’m sorry I brought any of this up. Could you just forget this entire conversation?”

“You don’t normally ask me such personal questions, kid. Is everything okay with you and Maddie?”

“Yeah. Of course. She’s gorgeous, smart, and sweet. I love her. All of her.”

“But you wish she had a dick?”

“What? No!” I exclaim.

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