Page 28 of Wicked Little Games

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“Are you sure you don’t want to stay with me and Greer tonight?” Celeste asks as the couple drives me to the apartment. We spent the last hour searching the shop and the woods around it for Jordan but couldn’t find him. There was nothing but a few flecks of blood on the garage floor, telling me everything I needed to know.

Jordan is being tortured by Eli and then he’s probably going to die, and there’s nothing I can do about it.

My stomach rolls like it did back at the shop, giving me only seconds of warning.

“Pull over!” I shout. Greer does so immediately. I throw open the rear passenger door and vomit the other half of the contents in my stomach onto the grassy ditch.

When the heaves finally stop, I wipe my mouth with the tissue Celeste hands over the seat and tell her, “I want to go home. I need to throw up in my own toilet tonight.”

“Our prospect is on the way to the apartment,” Greer informs me when I close the door and he accelerates again. “He’ll keep watch outside in the parking lot unless you want him to stay inside?”

“No, outside is fine. Just, tell him…tell him to shoot on sight if he sees a man wearing a nice suit.”

“Your father?” Greer asks.

“No. His henchman.”

“Okay, I’ll tell him.”

“There’s still a chance...” Celeste starts when we pull up to the apartment building.

“Jordan is hurting because of me! Hurting and dying. I know it…”

“Will you let us know if there’s anything we can do?” she asks me softly.

“Just tell the police to keep looking for him,” I say, even if I know they probably won’t find him.

I’m the only one who is safe in this town. And the only way I can save Jordan is by trying to make a deal with the devil. And I would do anything to save Jordan, even sell my soul to that monster.

That’s the only tiny spark of hope I have left, that Eli won’t kill Jordan before he shows up for me. I’ll do whatever he wants, go back to Vegas tonight if he’ll let Jordan go, once he proves to me that he’s still alive.

I don’t know how exactly I’ll force Eli to release Jordan, but I hope I get to at least try.

After saying goodbye to Celeste and Greer, I have to run to the bathroom as soon as I walk through the door of our second-floor apartment. I vomit and heave into the toilet until my throat is raw and there’s nothing left inside of me.

Then, I go to the closet. Reaching up to the top, back corner, I feel around for the gun I stowed up there when I first came homewith Jordan. I thought I would only stay with him a few days, come up with a plan for where to go next, and leave. But I never did. I never could leave Jordan.

I should’ve left town last night and insisted Jordan come with me.

The weight of the gun in my hand feels wrong. Still, I check that the clip is still loaded, slide it back in and switch off the safety. After that, there’s nothing left to do but wait to see if Eli will come.

If the prospect outside does kill him on sight, I won’t grieve him. No, I’ll just pray Jordan is still alive and that the Kings find him in time.

Pacing the floors with the gun in my hand while chewing nervously on my thumbnail helps clear my hangover. I try calling Jordan again and again, but the calls just go to his voicemail. Soon it even gets full.

My phone only rings when Josie, Jordan’s mother calls me. I don’t answer her. I do listen to her voicemail afterward.

Josie calls me all sorts of names and I can hear the tears in her voice, so worried for her son. She even yells and bangs on the apartment door a few minutes later, but I don’t answer it.

I just go sit in front of the door, sobbing, and telling her over and over again, “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”

Eli Murphy

The biker boy is trying his best to ruin my vibe.

He said Maddie’s scared of me, which is bullshit. She’s just scared of having to go back to Vegas and face her furious father.

And maybe she’s a little worried about how badly I’ll cut up her fake husband before ending him.

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