Page 18 of Wicked Little Games

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“Not if you left your phone at home while you went and killed the man before hanging him from your employer’s sign.”

“I didn’t kill him or anyone else! I barely spoke to the man a month ago, and that was the end of all communication.”

“What does your wife look like?”

The random question catches me completely off-guard. “Huh?”

“Do you have a photo of your wife?” Deputy Little asks.

“Yes, but why?”

“May I see what she looks like? Or should I have another deputy round her up and bring her in to join us so I can see her in person?”

Clenching my jaw tight in annoyance, I remove my phone from my jean pocket and pull up the photos on it. Of course, I have photos of Maddie. Tons of them. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I take pictures of her when she’s just sitting beside me looking so gorgeous it hurts.

I pull up one such image intentionally of her not looking at the camera and turn the screen around to show the cop.

“She is a very beautiful girl,” he says, but his face doesn’t show a hint of surprise at her stunning attractiveness even in profile view. I realize why when he says, “Isn’t it strange that there were photos of her on the victim’s phone too?”

“What?” I ask quietly. Shaking my head in denial, I tell him, “Ineversent any photos of Maddie to the PI.”

“No? Then I wonder how he got the photos of her.”

“I don’t know, but he didn’t get them from me.”

“Right. I didn’t think so, because these photos were dated rather recently. One of them was of her sitting on the beach with you, another of the two of you getting on your bike outside ofGreer’s bar one night. Oh, and I can’t forget the one of you and her walking out of your apartment over on Lakeview Circle.”

“Are you fucking serious?” I ask him.

“Did you find out Peter Shultz was following you and your wife, and decide to confront him?”

“No. I didn’t know any of that until you just told me!”

“What the hell is going on, Rick?” Colt asks. “Why are you springing this photo shit on the kid? If he found out the man was following him and her, the worst he would’ve done was kick his ass and you know it.”

“How could I know that, Fulton?” the deputy replies. “How could you when nobody seems to know the name of his own damn wife?”

“This meeting is fucking over,” Colt growls. He slams his palms on the table, pushing his chair back to get to his feet. My mom does the same. “If you have any more questions for Jordan or his wife, you’ll have to contact our attorney to set up a time for you to ask them.”

The officer chuckles as he returns his pen and notebook back in his front shirt pocket. “Suit yourself. But if Jordan fails to answer my questions or cooperate in this investigation, then he’s going to be considered a suspect, ouronlysuspect at the moment for a double homicide, which doesn’t look good for him.”

“Get out!” Colt shouts at him, pointing at the door behind us.

The officer finally looks a little nervous as he shuts up, stands up, and leaves the room, shutting the door quietly behind him.

“Jordan!” my mom whispers as she turns to me. “What in the world has that girl gotten you into? I never trusted her…”

“No kidding, Mom,” I say when I stand up, towering more than a foot over her. “You’ve made your opinion of Maddie perfectly clear from the day you met her. You don’t like her or trust her, I know that. But you can’t blame her for whoever is outthere killing people and apparently trying to set me up to take the fall.”

“You really didn’t know the PI was following you and her?” Colt asks me quietly as he wraps his arm around my mom and pulls her to his side.

“No. I had no fucking clue. That cop blindsided me. I thought the PI would forget about me as soon as I refused to pay him any more money.”

“So then why follow you two?” Colt asks. “What was in it for him if you weren’t going to pay him? Somebody must have been willing to hand over some cash, right?”

“I don’t know. Maybe it was whoever killed him and the other guy who hired him.”

My mom sighs and frowns at me, her face full of disappointment and worry. “That girl is going to end up getting you hurt or killed, I just know it.”

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