Page 128 of Wicked Little Games

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“Ah, I’m a mechanic at an auto shop.”

“A mechanic?”


“What’s your housing situation?”

“My housing…well, Maddie and I were living in a small one-bedroom apartment in Rockland.”

“What’s the crime rate like in thisRockland?”

“Nonexistent. It’s a small town in Sanderson County with over a dozen Savage Kings keeping an eye on things. At least it was crime-free until Eli showed up in town and started killing perverted assholes. The dead bodies really freaked everybody out.”

Turning back to Eli, Dante says, “The kid claims you don’t want to kill people, but you killed how many in Rockland?”

“Three. They deserved it for going after Maddie, and girls like her,” Eli answers. “I enjoyed killing them too. I’m just tired of being told to kill without having a choice.”

“Yes, because apparently I’m such a controlling prick,” Dante remarks tightly using my insult.

Eli huffs a laugh. “You know exactly what you are, and that it drives everyone in your family crazy.”

Dante’s left hand reaches into his pants pocket to pull out his phone. “Vanessa’s only texted me…sixteen times since we’ve been down here having this little chat.”

I assume Vanessa is his wife, Maddie’s stepmother, the short blonde woman who tried and failed to intervene in Maddie’s room. But maybe she has some sort of sway with the mobster.

Dante bows his head, reading the many messages for several minutes. There are so many he has to use his thumb to scroll. “She says she will kick me out of my own bed if I hurt either of you…and she threatens that her and Madison will both leave me if I kill one or both of you.”

Dante holsters his gun and I heave a sigh of relief.Thank you, Vanessa.

Looking back and forth between us, the mobster says, “You should both be grateful that I know what it looks like when a man loves someone enough to die for them. But Madison is not going back to Rockland until I visit it myself and find her a safe place to live. A house with walls around it and top of the line security systems. A few guards to monitor the grounds as well.”

Wow. Okay. That doesn’t sound too awful. Much better than a painful death. Still, I can’t help but press my luck. “As long as Maddie can come and go when she wants, without the guards,” I tell him. “She never wants to be a prisoner again.”

“Fine,” Dante grits out. “And Eli…you’re hereby released from my service. But don’t expect any sort of severance package. Which means you better come up with a way to earn an income fast if you’re going to help the biker take care of my daughter.”

“Seriously? I’m free? Just like that?” Eli asks in disbelief. “I can leave Vegas and you won’t send an assassin to Rockland to kill me?”

“No assassins will be sent after you. But I do expect daily…ah, weekly reports on how Madison is doing.”

“Hell, yes. I can do that,” Eli enthusiastically agrees. “I’ll do anything you fucking want for me and Jordan to walk out of here alive and be with her.”

Dante nods and swallows so hard I hear it. “All I can ask from you both is to protect her and make her happy.”

“Done,” Eli and I reply at the same time.

And that is how we managed to make a deal with the mafia king of Vegas to have a throuple with his beautiful daughter.



“Please.Please!” I beg through my sobs while kneeling on the floor in front of the guards. Despite screaming in their faces, shoving and punching their chests, calling them names, the bastards refuse to budge; to let me or Vanessa or even Cass and Cole leave the penthouse.

“It will be okay, honey,” Vanessa says as she drops to her knees beside me and wraps her arm around my shoulders. Hugging her back, I bury my face on her shoulder, bawling so hard I feel it down to the marrow of my bones. Itwon’tbe okay.

I can’t lose Jordan. Or Eli. If my father even hurts them because of me, because I was too weak to stand up to him and just tell him I loved them both…I’ll never forgive him. I’ll never forgive myself.

“I warned Dante we would both leave if he does anything stupid,” Vanessa says.

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