Page 124 of Wicked Little Games

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“We hurt each other,” he interrupts. “I promise I won’t keep any more secrets.”

“I promise not to tell any more lies.”

Our mouths crash together again, as if sealing our promises. Gripping Jordan’s shoulders, I ride him faster, take him deeper until I’m right on the edge…and my bedroom door whips open.

A woman screams like someone is trying to murder her. It’s one of the housekeepers, standing frozen in the doorway with a vacuum cleaner.

“Get out!” I yell at her as I climb off Jordan, and he pulls the bedding up over us.

“I’m sorry…I thought…I heard the door shut and footsteps on the stairs, so I thought...”

She heard Eli leave and thought it was me apparently, so she came to clean. Finally snapping out of her trance, the woman pulls the door shut again, closing us inside. But I have no doubt that her scream put the whole house on alert.

“Get dressed,” I tell Jordan as I grab a silk robe to wrap it around me until I can get to my closet.

Jordan manages to pull on his boxer briefs before the door flies open again, this time so hard it bangs against the wall.

My father’s chest rises and falls under his half-buttoned blue dress shirt as if he ran all the way up to the third floor from the first. But his arm is steady as he raises his gun, aiming it at the six-foot-four mostly naked man standing at the foot of the bed.

I jump in front of Jordan, just as he says into the silence from behind me, “Hi. You must be Maddie’s father,” as if he’s not two seconds away from being shot to death.

“Put the gun down, Daddy!” I order him.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t blow his head off,” my father grits out, his arm still raised.

“Because I love him. And he loves me,” I answer in a rush.

Vanessa appears behind my father. She places her small hand on his outstretched arm that doesn’t budge. Cole’s head pops up next to her and I see a flash of Cass’s red hair beforeCole shoves her behind him. They’re then joined by a group of guards…and Eli who pushes in front of them all.

My father bellows louder than he’s ever yelled, “Who the fuck is he and why the fuck is he in my house!”

“I’m Jordan. Jordan Robertson. Maddie lived with me in Rockland.” He holds out his hand as if he actually thinks my father will shake it like a rational human being.

When my father cocks his gun, I don’t know what to do. I can’t jump up and down to try to shield Jordan’s head that’s eight inches higher than my own. Thankfully, Eli slips past Dante and bravely stands directly in front of the muzzle, so close it’s nearly brushing his chest through his dress shirt.

“I lied to you,” Eli admits. “Maddie wasn’t with a PI in Virginia, she was with Jordan, but he was good to her. And if you touch a hair on his head, every member of every chapter of the Savage Kings MC will show up in Vegas to make you regret it.”

“You son of a motherfucking bitch,” my father grits out before he thankfully holsters his gun, apparently to free up his hand that he plows into Eli’s face.

There’s an awful sounding loud crack. And I know it’s just the beginning, so I step in front of Eli now. “Stop it!” I exclaim, turning my back to my father to check on Eli. His eyes look a little stunned as he lifts his fingers to swipe at the blood dripping front his nose. “Are you okay?”

“You know I love pain, inflicting or receiving it,” he says with a grin.

“I don’t know what the fuck is going on here, and I don’t care,” Daddy says. “Take them both to the basement.”

“What? No!” I exclaim when I spin around to face him. “Can’t we all just sit down and talk about this like normal fucking people?”

“Dante…” Vanessa starts as if she’s trying to reason with him.

But he ignores us. “Don’t make me repeat myself!” he says to his guards who flood into the room from the hallway. My father grabs my arm, yanking me out of the way while two guards grab Eli and two head for Jordan.

“Please don’t do this,” I beg him as I try and loosen his fingers gripping my arm hard enough to bruise. “Please, Daddy!” I plead again as Jordan and Eli are escorted from the room.

“The only person to blame here is you for acting like a spoiled fucking brat,” he grits out. “I thought you were smarter than this, Madison.”

“Smarter than what? Sleeping with the man I love? I haven’t doneanythingthat I’m ashamed of,” I assure him. I don’t mention that I’ve also slept with Eli. He’s angry enough at the man for lying to him.

“You lost my fucking trust when you ran away. Now, you’ve lost all my respect,” my father says before he walks out the door and shouts, “Someone watch her. She’s not allowed to step foot out of this penthouse until I say so.”

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