Page 87 of Freeing Emily

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“I’m very proud of your progress thus far, Emily. You should also be proud of yourself.”

Emily dips her chin and gives her a shy smile.

I squeeze her thigh lightly and wink at her when she looks over.

Dr. Morrison looks down at the file on her lap and then nods.

“Let’s get a weight for you before we discuss your medications further.” She moves to stand and strides over to the scale.

Licking her lips, Emily nervously stands and walks over. I stay on the couch and watch as she slips off her shoes. She takes a deep breath then takes a cautious step onto the small black platform.

A few seconds later, wide smile spreads across Dr. Morrison’s face. “That’s amazing, Emily!” she says, clapping her hands together.

Emily stands straighter and looks over her shoulder at me with a smile.

“Thank you, Dr. Morrison. I couldn’t have done it without Liam’s help.” She gestures toward me, but I shake my head.

“It was all you,Féileacán.”

Dr. Morrison smiles at me and then wraps an arm around Emily’s shoulders. “Whatever the reason, you’re doing phenomenal.”

Emily peers at the corner but relaxes when whatever she saw earlier is no longer there. I pull her close to my side when she returns to the couch. She melts into my body, setting her head on my shoulder.

I stroke her arm with my hand as we listen to Dr. Morrison go over the steps to gradually – and safely – stop her medications without severe side effects.

There are some that she will continue to take until she’s in a more comfortable mental state, but the goal is to no longer need any medications.

Once the appointment is over, we stand from the couch. Dr. Morrison hugs Emily tightly.

“You’ve got this, Emily.” She whispers in her ear before pulling back.

She meets my gaze and then peers over the rim of her glasses. “And I trust we don’t need to have another discussion about stopping medications abruptly?”

I chuckle, holding my hands up. “No, ma’am.”

“Good. I’ll see you in about a month, Emily. Email or call me if you need anything.”

“Thank you so much, Dr. Morrison.”

Emily wraps an arm around my bicep and intertwines our fingers. I give them a light squeeze before bringing them to my lips and kissing the back of her hand.

“Anything you’d like to do today?” I ask when we reach the car.

“I’d actually like to go home to sit in the garden.” She takes my offered hand and climbs in.


This is great. Absolutely great. The fact that she wants to spend time not only outside her room, but in the garden sends my heart soaring.

She smiles at me, her dimple on full display, and nods. “Yeah. I think I need the fresh air.”

A grin widely before shutting the door. I climb into the driver’s seat, turn the ignition, and then drive out of the parking lot.

The energy as we drive toward the mansion is light. Emily has a soft smile the entire time. She faces the passenger window and watches as the city passes by.

Her phone rings in her purse. Pulling it out, she sits and stares at the screen with her brows furrowed.

“Not gonna answer that?” I ask, shifting my gaze between her and the road.

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