Page 65 of His Mansion

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“Your feet go to the right… Yup, that one. And the other over here.”


She giggled. Nathan was tall enough once he did touch the holds he was going to have a hell of a time getting his ass off the mat. “Perfect. Now, lift your hips.”

He flexed his muscles and managed to get into the first position.

“Impressive. Now go for it.”

Nathan tried, and while he had the strength, he didn’t have the technical experience to make the moves. He slipped off the rocks and smacked into the mat, flat on his back.

“Well done.Not. Where’s my chocolate?”

Nathan blew a raspberry at her. “Patience, monkey. That was only my first attempt.”

She shrugged. “First, tenth. Same result.”

He set up again, and again. The fifth time his ass hit the mat, she snorted. This was getting more and more entertaining.

“Damn it.” Nathan growled.

“He’s got the wrong foot pressure.” Derrick pointed out.

Melanie checked Nathan’s position. “Oh, you’re right. Nate, this time, push off with your right foot completely, but keep the left foot on the wall. It will give you the extra reach you need to make the catch.”

He leaned his head back and flashed that deadly grin, and something else warmed inside, not quite so competitive in nature. Damn, the man was a walking advertisement for testosterone and how to use it well. “You’re going to have to give me a little help, darling. I was watching through a camera lens before. Where am I reaching?”

She touched his outreached fingers with her own. “You’re here. You need to slip your fingers this direction—” She connected with the hold, keeping her elbow in contact with his hand. “See, it’s only a few more inches. Course, you should just let me know where the chocolate is now, so I can enjoy it while I watch you fall on your ass another dozen times.”

“Ha, ha. I can do this.”

“Suit yourself.” She stepped back, slipping next to Derrick where he leaned on the neighbouring rock face. He snuck his hands around her waist and tugged her closer, fingers caressing the bare skin at her side with delicate strokes, and her heart rate accelerated.

Nathan fell twice more, but her attention was drawn away by the increasingly intimate caress Derrick applied, sneaking his hands casually higher to brush the sides of her breasts.

“Stop that. You’re getting me all tingly,” she whispered.

“That’s the idea.” He chuckled and tugged her directly in front of him, aligning her so the length of his erection pressed between them. “You’ve been driving me mad. Your ass looks marvelous in those climbing pants.”

So much for worrying about needing sexy, skin-revealing outfits to turn him on. “Animal.”

“Snaaarl.” Derrick nibbled on her neck and Melanie sighed with happiness.

“Damn it, Mel, how the hell did you get around this corner?”

The pitiful question from Nathan interrupted the direction her thoughts were heading—which was fine, since there wasn’t going to be much opportunity to get naked with Derrick for a while anyway. Not with them all camping for the night in a single four-man tent.

“Hang on, Nathan, Mel will show you how.”

Melanie glanced at Derrick, pulling a mock pout. “I will? Why would I do that?”


She narrowed her eyes.

“Come on, give Nathan another chance. He’s not as experienced as you are. Go under and demo again.” Derrick patted her on the ass.

Melanie planted a quick kiss on his cheek before slipping onto the mat and grinning at a frowning Nathan. “You really think you can do this?”

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