Page 98 of Bitter Confessions

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“I reunited with friends from Whartons and met with a financial advisor. I wanted to diversify my portfolio, so I chose companies I thought...” She trailed off at his incredulous look. “What?”

“You’re investing millions based on advice from your financial advisor and your friends’ say-so when you’re married to one of the most successful investors of our generation.”

When he put it like that, it sounded ridiculous. She balled her hands into fists on her lap. “I think it’s best if we keep our marriage separate from business. I don’t want to take advantage of him just because...”

His snort stopped her speech. “Minnie, that’s the biggest load of shit I’ve ever heard. You’re married to the man. Asking for advice in his field of expertise isn’t taking advantage of him—it’s expected. Besides, men want their women to ask them for shit.”

“I want to do this on my own! I can do it on my own. I don’t want to lean on him when I have resources at my fingertips.”

Lyle leaned forward, his gaze direct and flinty with temper. “Minnie, he is your greatest resource.” When her stubborn expression remained, he rose, muttering under his breath in Italian as he paced. “Worst thing Maximus ever did was teach you girls you have to do everything on your own. He should have made you into a team. Instead, he made you each other’s competition and the rest of the world the enemy. I finally had to sit Colette down and explain to her in plain fucking English that I’m on her side. I always have been.” He whirled to face her. “And I’m on your side too.”

“I know that,” she said quietly.

“I can’t believe Roth hasn’t tried to interfere.”

If Lyle knew about her activities, there was no way he didn’t know. Aside from the daily observation reports, Roth couldn’t miss the printouts scattered over the kitchen island. If he’d asked a single question about her suddenly hectic schedule or the financial reports she was poring over, it would have given her the opportunity to discuss her investments, but he hadn’t.

“He’s preoccupied with a project,” she said defensively, adding, “I would have thought you of all people would be happy he isn’t butting into what I do with my money. You’re the one who wanted to look over my prenup.”

He gave a one-shoulder shrug. “The prenup is ironclad. The hundred-million-dollar settlement you’d get if you divorced is unheard of. No man would put that into a marriage contract unless he was in it for the long haul. Even a billionaire wouldn’t part with one hundred million if he could help it.”

Roth’s tactic to lull her family into believing their marriage wasn’t one of convenience had paid off.

“There are countless things about your husband that put me on edge, but business isn’t one of them. Hell, even I’m taking advantage. When I heard about the deal he’s negotiating in Los Angeles, I called him.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “You did?”

“He said if it goes through, he’d let me in.” He glanced distractedly at his computer. “He’s supposed to go this week, right?”

“Today,” she said faintly. “When did you call him?”

“A little over a week ago.”

She turned her head and looked out at the view. “It looks like it’s going to snow.”

“It’s supposed to. Winters come on hard and fast this year.” He surveyed her serene expression suspiciously. “You should talk to him about what you’re doing with your money. I guarantee he won’t feel like you’re overstepping some silly boundary. He’ll be happy you’re confiding in him.”

She nodded even though she wouldn’t. She didn’t want to be like everyone else, constantly asking him for financial advice. This was what she’d gone to school for; what her family had been doing for generations. She could do this on her own.

Lyle shook his head as he slipped his hands into his pockets. “The way you Hennessy women think is whacked.”

“You have no idea what I’m thinking.”

“I can read you like a book.”

She stuck her tongue out at him, even though her insides felt like lead. “How’s Polara?”

The smile that lit up his face tugged at her heartstrings. “She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me outside of Colette. My schedule’s a mess because I don’t like being away from her.”

“I’m so happy for you. At Thanksgiving, you and Colette seemed so...”

“We’re better than ever,” he said smugly. “I knew having a baby would break down her walls. She’s a natural mother.”

“It looks good on her,” she agreed. “But what happens when she goes back to work?”

He flicked his hand dismissively. “Ariana seems to be handling the company just fine. I’m hoping Colette will either step down from her position or get out altogether. I’d like more kids and to have them close in age if possible.”

Her blood ran cold. Ariana was hanging on by a thread, and judging by what Colette had shared at Thanksgiving, she was nowhere near done with Hennessy & Co. and had no aspirations to expand the family beyond Polara. “And if she isn’t on board with any of that?”

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