Page 53 of Bitter Confessions

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She carefully pulled his zipper down and grinned when he lifted his ass so she could slide his slacks and boxer briefs off. His pants caught on the ankle holster on his right leg. He swiftly unstrapped it, toed his shoes off, and tossed all his clothes, including his socks, aside. She paused to take him in. Reclined on the bed, bathed in moody moonlight, he looked like a warrior of old. Virile, battle-scarred, uninhibited, wicked. The fact she was dressed in layers while he was stark naked made her skin itch. She wanted to shrug off her coat and whip her slip of a dress over her head, but if he had to endure, so did she. They would both win in the end.

“What should I call you?” she asked in a low, throaty tone as she ran her hands over his hot flesh.

“You know what I like.” He jerked like a virgin when she closed her hands around his pulsing cock. “Ugh, fuck.”

She licked the tip of his dick and wasn’t surprised it was slick with precum. “You like baby.” His legs shifted restlessly as her tongue lapped absently. “You like Jamie.”

He sat up without using his hands for support, which was a testament to his core strength.


For a second, she wasn’t sure whether he was talking about the name or her continuing to pay homage to his dick, but she rolled the dice. “Jamie.”

He cupped her chin and angled her face toward the silver moonlight. His thumb swiped over her bottom lip, pushing the sticky precum into her mouth. When her tongue made a sweep to make sure she got it all, his stark expression softened slightly.

“Yes. In our bedroom, you call me Jamie,” he murmured. Then he added, “Or wherever we fuck.”

“And baby?”

His fingers flexed on her face before dropping away. “You can call me that whenever you want.”

“Just not boy,” she teased.

“I’m not a boy. Been a man since I was seven, when I made my first kill. You call me husband, your man, never a boy.”

“Okay, baby,” she said and took him in her mouth.

He shouted her name, which went to her head like a shot of tequila. He dropped back on the bed and surrendered completely to her. Muscles flexed as he stopped himself from reaching for her, obeying the unspoken rule to keep his hands to himself. She was mesmerized by the sight of him writhing, hands twisting in the bedsheets, and the way his skin gleamed as he perspired. He responded so beautifully to her. Eager, willing, unashamed. Her dream man. He’d never demonstrated such restraint. She rewarded him, worshipping him as she hadn’t done since the early days of their first marriage. When he was close to coming, she took her mouth away and petted his taut thighs. She bit her lip so she wouldn’t laugh when he pressed his fists to his face and swore.

“How much do you want me?” she purred.

“You know,” he snarled.

“I do?”

“Want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything,” he spat. “Sacrificed all I had just to taste you.”

He sounded pissed. She placed a chaste kiss on his knee. He jolted like he’d been shot.

“Are you done fucking with me?”

“I’m loving on you,” she said in a mock hurt tone as she dragged her fingers over slippery abdomen and took a wide berth around his jutting cock before brushing her thumb over his inner thigh, knowing very well it was anything but soothing to him. “You know, the way you do to me.”

“Tell me what you want,” he said through clenched teeth. “And I’ll give it to you.”

“I want you mindless for me,” she declared as she got to her feet and rolled her tight dress up to climb on top of him. As she settled on his rock-hard dick, his hands pushed aside her coat to grip her hips. “I want you screaming my name.”

“I shouted your fucking name twice,” he growled.

“That’s a good start, baby,” she said as she began to move.

She heard his teeth click as he clenched them together. His hands flexed on her hips to control her range of motion, but she wasn’t going for wild bouncing—just a subtle back-and-forth that would drive him out of his mind.

Watching him fight his orgasm did a number on her. She was sure he could feel the damp crotch of her tights as she rubbed along his hard length. She wanted to be naked, skin-to-skin, but she could hold out a little longer, right? He watched her slow, erotic grind, lips peeled back from his teeth in a snarl. Twice, she stopped so he could retain control. The third time, he broke.


The plea in his garbled tone nearly made her come.

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