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“I don’t need anything.”

“Oh, stop being such a baby. You must need socks, more black shirts, or ties, right? Oh, I can get you a nice suit.”

“I can buy it myself.”

“Well, of course you can, but it’s better when somebody gives it. Wait!” She grabbed his hand and yanked him to a stop. “What’s your real name?”

His eyes narrowed. “I go by Blade.”

“I know, but that’s a nickname, right?” When he didn’t answer, she squeezed his hand. “What’s wrong with your real name?”

“I don’t like it.”

“A lot of people don’t like their names but—”

“I was named after someone I hate. I don’t use it.”

His voice was so agitated that she patted his chest the way she did to placate Gavin. “Okay, Blade it is.” She began to walk again and tugged on his hand when he didn’t move. “Come on, I’m hungry.”

She released him once he started moving again. She spotted the villa in the distance and jumped when their personal security appeared out of nowhere. They acknowledged her with curt nods before they got back to work.

“I don’t know why you want to stay with us,” she said quietly, without looking at him. “But I’m happy you do.”

They were approaching the main terrace when he said, “I have more today than I ever thought I would. I’m not going anywhere.”

She grasped his calloused, scarred hand in hers once more and squeezed before she released him. When they walked onto the terrace, they found Gavin sitting at the outdoor dining area with a large fan swirling lazily above him. The table was laden with food, and Nora was sitting in a high chair, dressed in a jewel toned swimsuit.

“Good run?” Gavin asked as he got off the phone.

“Yes.” She came up behind him and pressed her cheek to his. “Thank you for this.”

“Then give me a fucking kiss.”

She grinned as she gave him chaste peck on the corner of his mouth. He grabbed a fistful of her sweaty shirt and forced her to his side so he could pull her down for a real kiss. When he finished getting his taste, he put her in the chair beside him and piled her plate with food.

Blade sat near Nora and took over the feeding Gavin had abandoned. She sat sideways on her chair and leaned into Gavin. “This is the best place on earth.”

Gavin grunted and put her plate in front of her. “I might have to steal this chef.”

“He is amazing,” she said as she cut her crepe. “You slept well?”

He ran a hand down his face. “I slept ten hours and feel like I could sleep ten more.”

“You should! We’re here for the month. No rush on anything. Sleep is good for you.”

They were so used to rushing around and not getting enough sleep, but the quiet, lack of an agenda, and warm humidity made them naturally drowsy. Years of going on so little rest was catching up to him. In the two days they had been here, she had never seen him so relaxed.

“What are you going to do today?” Gavin asked.

“I’m going to swim, eat, nap, and that’s about it,” she said.

He yawned and nuzzled her as she ate. “Sounds like a full day.”

Four hours later, she waded into the lagoon after putting Nora down for a nap. The only sound was that of the birds calling to one another and the gentle lap of water. She could almost imagine that she was on her own private island. Fish wove around her ankles and darted away, scales flashing in the sunlight. Her toes curled in soft sand as her hands swished through the water. She stood waist deep in the enchanting mint green water and took a deep breath before she dived.

She sliced through the water, arms and legs moving in unison. Her lungs burned as she kicked toward the surface. She splashed the water and laughed out of sheer joy. The beauty of this place healed something broken and tarnished inside her, and her heart felt full. She floated on the water, which was still as a lake, and stared up at the sky, which seemed a more vibrant shade than the one back home.


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