Page 187 of Awakened by Sin

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“I’m going to keep entertaining.”

“But he’s dead.”

“I have some friends in the basement.”

She shuddered. “Be careful.”


She went on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. “I’m sorry.”

He cupped her nape. “I can still taste you.”

“You shouldn’t have done that,” she whispered.

He searched her face. “You can still change your mind.”

“I need to get my head straight.”

He smoothed his hand over her back. “You could be my one. You know that, right?”

She wanted to deny it, but she wasn’t into lying to herself. “We would make each other crazy.”

A spark of humor lit his grim eyes. “That’s how life should to be, right?”

Her intuition told her that Angel was nowhere near ready for a relationship. They were two lost souls. Two halves of the same puzzle piece wouldn’t make a whole. She needed a yin to her yang, and although he might be a fun alternative, Angel Roman wasn’t it.

“We would make each other miserable,” she predicted and gave him a hug. “But thanks.”

He slapped her ass as she got into the car and leaned into her window when she rolled it down. “Call me if you’re feeling suicidal or want to fuck, yeah?”

She shoved his face out of her car and drove off the property with Mickey on her tail. She wasn’t going back to Marcus’s house. She wasn’t in the mood to be berated, and she was too fragile right now for a knock-down, drag-out fight. She needed time to build up her walls. Maybe she wasn’t ready for a full-on fuck, but she still needed to be around her type of people.


Carmen parkedin the back parking lot of the Red Diamond.

“What the hell is going on?” Mickey demanded as he materialized at her side.

“Girl stuff,” she said as she tucked the necklace and her clutch in the glove compartment.

“Maybe I should call for reinforcements,” Mickey said as he pulled out his phone. “Marcus is calling.”

She slapped the phone out of his hand. “Don’t you dare answer that!” She stooped to pick it up before he could and turned it off. “I just need some time. No big deal.”

“No big deal,” he repeated slowly. “We’re at a strip club.”

“Gentlemen’s club,” she corrected automatically and tossed his phone in the car before she locked it.

“You slept with Angel.”

“I tried, but it didn’t workso…” she said as she knocked on the back door, and Phil opened it, “I need my girls.”

Mickey hesitated, but she dragged him in with her. A group of women in different states of dress chatted idly, but when they caught sight of her, they screamed and rushed to her. Bare breasts, big hair, and perfumed skin suddenly surrounded her.

“What’s up, chickie?” Mercedes, the woman she shared a kiss with on stage, slapped her ass in welcome.

“Boy problems,” she said.

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