Page 127 of Awakened by Sin

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“We’ll still be friends, and you can still live here.”

“What if I annoy the hell out of you?”

He grinned. “I’m sure I can handle it.

“You’re right. It’s more likely you’ll annoy me.”

He frowned. “Why would I annoy you?”

She examined his sandwich, which was commercial worthy. “You’re too perfect.”

“I’m far from perfect.”

“I have yet to see your bad. It’s fucking annoying.”

He laughed. “Trust me, I have a lot of bad traits.”

“Well, let’s hear it.”

“I’m competitive.”

She frowned. “You think that’s a bad trait?”

“It is when you’re as obsessive about it as I am. I want to be the best in every aspect, especially business.”

“You need to be competitive to be successful in business. That doesn’t count.”

“I’m hyper focused.”

“Not impressed.”

“I’m selfish.”

“There’s no proof of that. You go out of your way for everyone, and you’re offering to let me stay at your house.”

“I don’t want anything to distract me from work, which is why I’m not in a relationship,” he said.

“Okay …” she drawled. “That’s a little selfish but not surprising. You’ve been carrying the load for a long time, so I’m not surprised you haven’t had time for a relationship. Come on, what else?”

“Gavin says I’m never satisfied. I’m obsessed with improving everything.”

She fake yawned. “Also not a bad trait. Seriously, you have no idea what a bad trait is.”

“Okay, what are your bad traits?”

She blew out a breath. “Where do I start? I’m impulsive, manic, have a hair trigger temper, I love things that glitter and shine, I love presents, and I have a hard time letting go.” She sped past that last one.“I’m also high-maintenance, vain, selfish, arrogant, bitchy, bratty, lusty, and according to you, occasionally go on benders. And that’s just off the top of my head.”

“Is that all?”

She grinned at his dry tone. “I believe in embracing one’s flaws. It’s what makes me irresistible.”

“I’ll remember that when you start being bratty. What does that mean, by the way?”

“That I may throw tantrums and want to be babied when I feel like it.”

“Thanks for the heads-up,” he said as he finished off his sandwich.

Unruffled, as usual. “You aren’t concerned with what people will think about me being here?”

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