Page 98 of Once A Crime Lord

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“Stupid bitches.”

She looked down at the man at their feet. How he could be bleeding to death and smirking at them was beyond her. She had been close to death herself, and it wasn’t anything to joke about.

“He won’t stop coming,” the man said through clenched teeth. “He’s going to destroy Pyre.”

“Who is he?” she demanded.

His eyelids fluttered as he tried to stay conscious. “No one knows who he is. He isn’t stupid.”

“Where’s the compound where they’re holding my mom?”

He raised his dirty finger, stuck it in his mouth and hummed. Her stomach turned over.

“She was great, by the way.”

She slammed her foot on his chest and heard something break. “Where is she?”

Blood trickled out of his mouth as he convulsed. She dropped to her knees, grabbed handfuls of his jacket, and shook him.


“You’re too late,” he said before his body went lax.

She dropped him and covered her face with her hands as emotion consumed her.

“Lyla?” Carmen whispered.

She rose, took the gun from her cousin, and started back to the cars. Her mind was a blank slate as she got into the enemy SUV and slammed her foot on the gas. She heard Blade yell her name as she wrenched the vehicle around and started back toward the cabin.

She slapped her hand on the GPS built into the dashboard. A map of their routes appeared on the screen. There was one location the SUV kept returning to, a large red dot in the middle of Las Vegas. She set the course as she passed the safe house and started down the ridge. Her rearview mirror showed Blade’s flashing headlights far behind her. She didn’t stop. She couldn’t.

When the SUV skidded onto the highway, the first hint of light brightened the sky. She stared blearily at the bloody sunrise, which seemed appropriate after the night she’d had. Her body was coiled so tightly, she felt as if she might shatter.

She drove with such single-minded intensity that she didn’t realize Blade had caught up to her until he tried to run her off the road. She jerked the wheel to avoid him. Blade’s window was down, and he was more furious than she had ever seen him. He shouted at her, which was pointless since her windows were rolled up. He jabbed his finger at her and held up his cell phone.

She slammed her foot on the gas even as she reached in her pocket for the forgotten cell phone she picked off her father. She turned it on and immediately saw Blade’s number on the screen. Apparently, there was enough distance between them for him to have a signal. She had less than twenty minutes between her current location and this fucking compound. She wouldn’t let anyone stop her.

“Pull over,” Blade ordered.

The lump of rock in her chest where her heart used to be weighed a ton. “No.”

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“They have my mom.”

“We have men working on it.”

“They have her at the compound.”

“I don’t give a fuck where they have her. Pull over, Lyla.”

“Fuck you, Blade. I’m getting her. The GPS tracks all their routes. There’s one place they keep going back to. It’s their compound. I know it. You want this to stop? Send as many men to this address.” She rattled it off and merged onto a freeway. “I’ll be there in nineteen minutes, with or without backup.”

“Gavin said—”

Her control shattered.

“Fuck Gavin!” she shrieked and slammed her hand on the steering wheel. Emotions threatened to break her in half. She clenched her teeth to stuff it back in. She didn’t have time for a breakdown. That would come later when her mother was safe. “I’m tired of waiting for other people to take care of me. I can do that my fucking self. This is my mom. I got her into this; I’m getting her out. You want to help? Call the guys, get them there.”

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