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With effort, Lyla stripped out of her clothes and lay naked on the couch. Gavin wouldn’t fail to miss that, would he? The message was clear if he didn’t have his ear glued to the phone or was attending a meeting. A part of her wondered if Blade had access to the cameras, but her hormones decided it was worth the risk. Blade knew she didn’t have any plans today. There was no reason for him to tap into the feed. Lyla propped herself on some pillows and started slowly, just rubbing her hand over her tummy. Nora was going to be a bruiser. She had her daddy’s right hook and made it known that she wantedout.

“Six more weeks, love,” Lyla murmured to her stomach.

Lyla felt a spurt of impatience and then fear. The nursery was ready, but she didn’t know if she liked the lavender walls. Maybe she should have—. Lyla nearly slapped herself. She was supposed to be tempting Gavin to come home to fuck her, not daydream about paint colors on the couch butt naked. Lyla looked up at the camera before she spread her legs, giving him a bird’s eye view of one of his favorite places before she touched her breast and winced. They were ridiculously large and sensitive. How did other women handle huge boobs on a daily basis? She was fine with her normal B’s, thank you very much. This was a bit much for her. Speaking of which, Carmen had taken out her breast implants, which had been a shocker. Her look changed so drastically in the past months that she was almost unrecognizable.

Lyla’s cell rang in the kitchen. She was going to ignore it, but it could be Gavin. She scowled when she saw Carmen’s name. Speaking of the devil... To give Gavin more time to stalk her, Lyla answered the phone and resumed her position on the couch.

“How’s it going, hot mama?” Carmen asked.

“I’m a fucking horn dog,” she moaned.

A pause and then, “Are you a horny toad or really fucking a hot dog?”

Lyla snickered. “I’m a horny toad and I hate it.”

“Why? You have a man to fuck.”

“Uh, he works.”


“So, he can’t stay at home on fucking duty. I don’t think Marcus is going to accept that excuse.”

“Screw Marcus!”

Effectively distracted by the unexpected outburst she said, “Carmen?”


“Did something happen between you two?”

“Why the fuck would it?”

Excitement filled her. “Carmen Pyre!”


“Tell me, you discrete slut.”

A pause and then, “Something almost happened, but I stopped him.”


“Why?Because I’m still in love with my husband!”

Lyla closed her eyes as the sound of her ragged sobs filled the other end of the line. It had been two years since Vinny’s murder, but Carmen cried as if her heart were breaking. Divorce or falling in love with someone else was one thing. Those were choices. What happened to Carmen was cruel. She didn’t get a second chance. One day Vinny was here and the next he wasn’t.

“I’m sorry, baby. Do you want me to come over?” Lyla asked and looked down at her naked self.

“While you’re horny? I don’t think Mom or I can help you,” Carmen said, calming slightly.


Carmen sighed. “I don’t feel like myself.”

“What do you mean?”

“I knew who I was with Vinny. Now, I keep changing the way I look, hoping my reflection matches what I feel.”

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