Page 34 of My Sweet Psycho

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Chapter 22


After having dinner with us last night, Tae left. Each time we parted, it got harder even though we saw each other almost daily, and I spent every weekend with him. He brought me a fluffy grey teddy bear, a hot water bottle, painkillers, flowers and chicken noodle soup. I sighed as I cleaned up the equipment in the treatment room.

“God, if you're going to get all lovesick on me, leave already. It’s your wedding next weekend,” Warren said as he pulled his glasses down his nose to look over them at me.

“Have you ever been in love?” I said with another sigh. “I don't like feeling like this, but then I do.”

He chuckled before he pushed his glasses back up over his eyes. “Yes, allowing yourself to be vulnerable to someone else is terrifying, but if it is reciprocated, then it’s also the most beautiful thing in the world.”

“Oh, that's beautiful. Is it an original Warren quote, or did you rip it off from someone?” I said with a chuckle.

“All of you youngsters are so rude,” he said, tossing a rolled-up paper towel at me, which I batted back towards him. “Can you pick that up? My back isn't what it used to be.”

“You’re only fifty-three, Warren,” I said, rolling my eyes before I picked it up.

Someone knocked on the door. When I stood up, I saw Salma poking her head in.

“Sorry to disturb you guys, but a gentleman is here to see you, Nari,” she said. “His name is Mr Jeon.”

I frowned because everyone knew who Tae was in the practice. Salma was the receptionist, so she had met him on a few occasions.

“Oh, shit,” I whispered as I realised it might be Tae’s Dad. “Is he old and grumpy like Warren here?”


“Yes,” Salma said with a snort. “We still love you, though, Warren.”

I watched as she vanished, and I pulled my phone out to send Tae a quick text message to let him know his Dad was here. Jason was due to pick me up to return to the apartment today.

“Is everything okay?” Warren asked.

“Yes, it’s Tae’s Dad out there. He doesn't really like me or the fact that we are getting married.”

“Typical wedding drama. My father-in-law still hates me, and he has dementia.”

“Ouch. I don't know who I feel more sorry for.”

“I'm beginning to see your future father-in-law’s point,”

“Ooooh, low blow. I like it,” I said but glanced at the door nervously.

“Go and see him. I will follow you out and linger around the reception desk.”

“Thanks, Warren.”

“No problem,” he said as he stood up. “I need you guys to get married and have kids since my numbers are dwindling.”

What a fibber. The practice was always busy.

I took a deep breath and opened the door.

When I stepped outside, I saw him in the reception area. He stood looking around with his hands behind his back. He still had that air of arrogance that got my back up.

“Mr Jeon, how can I help you?” I said as I walked towards him with a fake smile.

“Ms Choi, is there somewhere private we can speak?”

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