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He paused when he saw me before he brought his cigarette up to his lips.

“Everything comes so easily to you, doesn't it, Wicke?” he asked as he looked up at the sky.

After doing a few checks on my phone during the auction it seemed Kyle Bennet and his old money family had fallen onto hard times. It didn’t give him the right to attack Emilia.

“But damn, that bitch is smoking hot,” he said with a chuckle.

I didn't hesitate because no one was around, and the back of the building wasn't important enough to have cameras. I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and dragged him into the shrubs. I had my knife with me, but I didn't want to get blood on my shirt. The only blood I would have on me tonight was my Emilia’s.

I gripped my hands around his neck and began to choke the life out of him. Under the light of the moon, I could just about see his eyes as the shrubbery didn't allow much light in which made it the perfect cover.

“You feel the pain? Your eyes begin to water, and your throat burns. That burning sensation travels down into your chest until you begin to feel sick. Then you get an acrid taste in your mouth,” I snarled at him as he tried to claw at my hands as he choked. “When you feel the cold, that is death coming for you.”

His knees gave way but I held him up because I wanted to see his eyes when the light went out of them. I wanted to see the lifeless eyes that looked at Emilia.

“She isn't a fucking whore or someone you should have spoken to, let alone tried to touch.She is fucking mine. My fucking woman,” I growled as I pressed my thumbs into his throat, carried away with the rage simmering within me.

He began to make a series of choking and nasty gurgling noises before spittle burst out of his mouth. It spilt onto my glove, which only pissed me off more.

“No one fucks withmy woman,” I snarled as his body began to shake and his eyes twitched.

I felt nothing as I watched the last bit of life vacate his eyes. I didn't stop choking him until I was certain he was dead. His limp body was held up by my hands, and I dropped him in the shrubs before I stepped over him to stride towards the door and light up my cigarette.

I’d decided to keep Emilia because I knew deep within me that I would never meet anyone like her again in this lifetime. I wasn't too concerned about her thoughts on my decision we could discuss her profession at a later date because I was more interested in getting to know more about my dark beauty.

Chapter 13


I timed Cyrus because I had a suspicion that he went after Kyle. When I saw him stroll into the hall, I glanced at my watch. Six minutes and thirteen seconds to smoke one cigarette was too long, but killing someone in that time and having a cigarette was too short. Then again, I thought of knives and how quick it was to slit someone's throat.

“Excuse us, ladies, but it’s time for us to go,” Cyrus said as he held his hand out for me.

“Of course, let me fetch your bracelet,” Jennifer said as she winked at me.

I stood up and from the scent coming off his jacket, he’d definitely had his cigarette.

“You didn't need to buy me the bracelet,” I murmured.

“It was an excellent combination. Blood red rubies with ivory pearls. The perfect blend of my bloody deeds and your innocence,” he whispered as he pushed my hair away from my shoulder to kiss it.

The contrast of his soft lips and harsh stubble against my skin was the perfect combination for me, but it felt weird for him to buy me such an expensive gift.

Jennifer came back and opened the box to show us the bracelet before she closed it and handed it to me. I hesitated until Cyrus took the box only to take the dainty bracelet out and begin to fasten it around my wrist.

“No! God, what if I lose it?” I said.

“Then I will get you another one.”

I blinked at the top of his head in shock. He went from seeing me as public enemy number one to wanting to buy me extravagant jewellery overnight.

What on earth was going on?

I cringed at my thought because that reminded me of something my Grandmother would say.

Jennifer was practically crying.

“Oh, that's the sweetest thing I've ever heard, Cyrus,” she said as she gripped my wrist tightly. “I've never seen you so smitten.”

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