Page 83 of The Wrong Bride

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“Is that what happened to Tavish?” I asked, fighting tears.

“No.” Callen’s tone sharpened. “Tavish is my father and was my king.”

“What!” How was that possible? They appeared to be near the same age. But then, they were both immortals and over a thousand years old.

“His firebrand died giving birth to me, and he shifted that very night.”

Shock bombs detonated. Tavish was his father? Callen lost his mom the same day he was born? Sympathy welled along with a hundred other emotions. “What about the man the modern world calls your father? The one thought to have vanished?”

“He was my adopted father, and he died in a battle against wolves.”

How the loss must have cut. I patted Callen’s chest, asking, “Have you ever shown mercy to someone who soul-switched?”

“I have not.”

How would he feel about those who helped bring suspicion, fear, and madness to his door? Because that’s what Isobel had done. And, yes, me too. How would he trust anyone again if he learned the truth of our treachery? That it hadn’t been of my own free will didn’t matter. Not after everything we’d experienced together.

Dismay clawed at my sternum. I needed to call Isobel. Tell her this had to end. She must right this wrong before Callen decided we both deserved the chopping block. I had a credit card now; I could afford her ticket.

“A potion is required for every switch,” he said. “A wicked thaumaturgy that infuses with the host’s cells.When their blood is mixed with certain elements, and others partake, they can then switch with someone else.”

Realization spit in my face, dread mule kicked my gut, and horror followed up with a sucker punch. I’d drunk someone’s blood? And to return to my old life, I had to drink blood again?

No wonder Isobel avoided contact with me. Could I forge a potion by tapping into my own veins?

“Well then.” What was I going to do? I needed to consider everything I’d learned. Pasting on a brittle smile, I brushed invisible lint from the collar of his shirt. “Thank you for seeing me today. I should be?—”

He held me in place. “Did someone force a switch on your friend, lass?” he asked with a dead serious tone.

Eek! No way I should answer that until I had worked through my thoughts. I pressed a hand over my heart and gave him my best bless-your-heart expression. “Why don’t you thinkI’mthe one who switched?” I’d outright stated it once and hinted often. And hadn’t he noticed the differences in me?

“Because I’ve done exactly what I told you I’d do before we married.” His tone hardened, as if he expected me to argue. “I’ve monitored your whereabouts and interactions.”

I went still, not even daring to breathe. Including my phone calls and texts? But why hadn’t he pounced? Evidence was all over my cell. Unless Isobel had found a way to keep certain communications from his notice? “Not to brag, but I’m smart enough to fool my guards.”What are you doing? Stop!

He nodded. “There’s also our bond. Something I only experience with you.”

Yes, that was an unexpected point in my favor.

“Now,” he said. “Did someone force your friend to switch?”

Okay, time to go. “My apologies, darling. I must not have been clear about the conversation being over. I’ll see you at the house.”

He cupped my jaw and gently plumped my bottom lip with his thumb, now one of my favorite moves. As we stared at each other, my mind blanked and my lungs emptied.

He urged me closer.My heart pounded. I didn’t resist, my willpower too weak. His lips brushed mine in a soft caress. “I have never shown mercy to someone who soul-switched,” he said, “but I will. I’ll ensure your friend is switched back, and I’ll allow her to live, though there will be restrictions for the safety of others. I will do thisfor you.”

I blinked rapidly, shocked. Was this really happening? He was willing to trust me with something so dangerous? Was he truly this good? “What do you ask for in return?” I rasped.

“Only that you give me the names of the switchers. I’ll take care of everything else in a matter of days.”

My eyes widened. It was an incredible offer. But was it too good to be true? He had no idea about the full scope of Isobel’s—and my—betrayal. Would he change his mind as soon as I gave him our names?

“Don’t answer now,” Callen said, sensing my indecision and pouncing, giving me a glimpse of the executive inside him. “Just think about my offer.”

“I will,” I croaked. For a day. Maybe two. I couldn’t risk Tavish or Isobel losing patience and beating me to the punch. But all these new revelations required fresh musings.

The response pleased Callen. He hooked a lock of hairbehind my ear, saying, “Have I told you how exquisite you are?”

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