Page 157 of Their Princess

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Page 157 of Their Princess

Uncle Keg hollered my name outside, so I changed directions and bolted to the parking lot. He was getting into his ’67black Chevy Impala in a fucking frenzy, like the Reaper was after him.

“What the fuck’s going on?” I trotted toward him.

“Get in!”

“Will you tell me what’s happening?” I went around the side and hopped in as he pulled away. “Who’s attacking us?”

“I’m sure it’s the fuckingKnights.” He spat the word at the dashboard. “Fuckers. I’m gonna kill each and every one of them.” He floored it, and maniacal laughter filled the cage.

“The who?”

“Knight’s Legion MC. They have a few chapters, one a couple hours from here.”

“I don’t get it. Why are they in our territory?”

“They took Regina.”

“What? Why?” When my uncle foundReignlast year, he’d changed. He’d turned into an evil fucker after she’d rejected him. So what had he done? He’d only call her Regina instead of her birth name, Reign. Held her against her will. Threatened her family or some shit to make her stay without chaining her to a wall. It was all kinds of fucked up. Sure, she was gorgeous. But sex slavery was extreme. Ella had stopped coming around the clubhouse because she hated Keg and how he treated Reign.

I couldn’t tell if he loved her or hated her. It didn’t really matter, I guess. In his mind, she belonged to him, and now someone had taken her.

“I’m not sure.” He narrowed the distance between them and us. “But I am getting my whore back! Get shooting!”

Lowering the window, I aimed for the truck’s tires but missed because of Keg’s reckless driving. “Stop swerving so much!”

“It’s not me. You suck at firing your gun.”

Asshole. Of course I was to blame and not him. “Look out!” I shouted when a gun poked out the window. They unloaded at us. Bullets pinged off the car and pierced the left side of the windshield.

Keg pulled hard to the right and almost went into the ditch. “My fucking car! Those motherfuckers will die!”

I fired back, and so did they. Why did Keg think it was the Knights? It could’ve been anyone who had stolen Reign. Our club had nothing to do with the MC. None of this made sense. We were small potatoes compared to the renowned KLMC,ifthat was who we were chasing after.

Yeah, I’d heard about them, knew they didn’t fuck around and were far more dangerous than the Hell’s Bells MC.

Had Keg been keeping shit from me? Had he pissed off the Knights?

Another round of bullets hit us. They blew out a tire and hit the engine, but that wasn’t the worst. The windshield eventually shattered on Keg’s side, and he was struck in the chest. It was like those assholes were trying to kill him but not me.

My uncle lost control of his Chevy. I grabbed the wheel and tried to correct it, but we flipped several times and were tossed around inside the cab.

My head slammed into the dashboard when we stopped hard in the ditch. “Jesus Christ.” My vision was blurry, and I saw stars. I pressed my hand to my forehead and winced through the pain radiating through my head.

“Rocky?” Rustling and grunting came from my side.

“Keg!” I reached for him and found his shirt soaked in blood. “Oh, fuck!” I dug out my phone to call for help. Vegas, the club’s VP, didn’t answer. It went straight to voicemail. “I’m calling nine one one.”

“No,” he hissed. “Glove box.”


“Envelope. Get the fuck out of dodge until Vegas says it’s safe.”

“Bullshit! I am not leaving. Those fuckers just started a war!” And Ella wasn’t home yet to go with me. I wouldn’t leave her behind.

“Listen.” Keg coughed up blood. “They may be after you.”

“Then I’ll kill them.”