Page 133 of Mistaken Impression

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I didn’t particularly like the sound of either of those things. It had never been about the money for me, and while I was enjoying the security of the advance the publishers had paid me, I wasn’t worried about earning ‘a small fortune’ at the expense of my sanity. As for having minimal involvement in my own stories…

“Delilah… I’m really not certain I want…”

“Just let me put the deal together, will you? Then you can come over and meet everyone involved, look at the ideas they’ve got in mind, and decide. Okay?”

I sucked in a breath, wondering what I was letting myself in for. “Okay.”

“But in the meantime, book yourself a goddamn flight to Boston, and attend that award ceremony.”

I did as I was told… not so much because I was worried about the contract, but because she was right; it would look like sour grapes if I didn’t show up.

Ever since I booked the flight and spoke to Calvin about staying with him, I’ve been bracing myself for seeing Ella again.

I’ve done nothing but dream about her since I got back to London… not just when I’m asleep, but when I’m awake, too. I relive every moment; even the times before we got together, when we argued most of the time… when her attempted apologies led to insults. I wish more than anything that I could go back and do it all again. Except for her betrayal… obviously.

No, that’s not true. The thing I wish for most is that we could just be together again. Regardless of her betrayal.

I know it won’t happen, though.

She ignored my call and didn’t respond to my message. She obviously has no need for me anymore, even if I need her, like I need to draw breath.

I can’t put this off any longer and, with a heavy heart and a nervous tingle down my spine, I step forward, opening the doors into the main hall.

It’s heaving with guests and I stop, looking around, hoping to see someone I’m familiar with. There are too many people here, though, and I shake my head, wondering what to do, just as I spot a seating plan, and wander over, taking a moment to find the table for ‘Meal Masters’, which is just to the left of centre, and two rows back.

Now I know where I’m going, I wend my way through the crowds of sycophants, patting each other on the back and making all the right noises about each other’s success, until I see Gavin, in a tux, standing at the side of a table. He’s with Kennedy and Ruby… and unfortunately, Vivian is there, too. I’dforgotten about her, and even as I’m taking in how different they all look in long dresses, with their hair up, I steel myself for her reactions.

There’s no sign of Ella, and for a moment, I wonder if maybe she’s not here after all, until Kennedy moves aside and I see her sitting on the opposite side of the table…

My heart lurches to a stop in my chest, and I stand for a moment, just gazing at her perfect face. She looks divine, her hair still in that gorgeously messed-up style I love so much. She’s talking to the man beside her. His face is obscured, tilted towards hers, engrossed in their conversation, both of them blissfully unaware of my presence.

I can’t walk. My feet won’t work, and as hard as I try to move, I’m stuck here… staring, watching as the man places his hand over hers, and my heart shatters. It was already broken, but now there’s nothing left of it… just a hollow void in my chest, where it used to be.

This can’t be happening.

She’s here with another man?

How could she do that?

Even as I’m struggling to breathe, the man pulls his hand away and they both look up at the same time. I’m struck by how handsome he is, and that there’s something vaguely familiar about him… but I don’t dwell. My eyes are naturally drawn to Ella, and I struggle not to gasp as I notice how pale she is… and the look in her eyes.

It’s shock, bordering on fear.

What’s that about, Ella? What do you think I’m going to do?

“Blake… how lovely to see you.” Kennedy’s voice startles me and I drag my eyes from Ella, turning to greet my former boss. She holds out a hand, which I take, and she uses the opportunityto pull me closer. I’m feeling weak enough to let her, even if it means I’m standing right beside Vivian.

She looks up into my face, fluttering her eyelashes at me. “It’s not the same since you left,” she whispers.

“I’m sure it’s a lot easier, working with someone who can actually cook.” I glance across at Ella, but she’s talking to the man beside her, and although I’m dying to ask how she’s getting on in front of the cameras, I don’t get the chance.

“Shall we all sit?” Kennedy says, taking charge, as usual.

She makes a point of seating me beside her, and fortunately Ruby is to my left, leaving Vivian on the other side of Kennedy, next to Gavin. I’m directly opposite Ella, but she’s currently got her head bowed, staring at her lap.

“Where’s Linus?” I ask to distract myself, and Kennedy blushes.

“He’s up for two awards tonight, and he’s chosen to sit with the other team.”

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