Page 45 of Bound For You

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I do as he asks, still in shock, then drive off. I look in my mirror and see him watching me go.

I get to work ten minutes later, and my stomach grumbles as I get out of my car. I remember I never had my smoothie, making me frown. That was my favorite smoothie cup; my dad gave it to me. Tears swell in my eyes when I realize the nasty receptionist will likely throw it away. I sniffle and shake my head, wiping my tears.

My phone pings, and I look at it and sigh.

Phoebe: Please talk to me. I never beg anyone but I’m begging you. Juan didn’t know what he was talking about. Please.

My finger hovers on the block button and I groan, putting my phone back in my bag. I head toward the building, but before I get to the door, I look around, feeling being watched again. When I don’t see anyone staring at me, I shake my head and head inside the Brew Box.

I’ve been at work for a few hours, when the bell above the door dings. I look up and groan aloud when I see who it is. I sigh out.

“What’s with Sergi’s people showing up at my work?” The man smiles, I never did catch his name.

He walks over to me, putting his hand out and says, “I never introduced myself. I’m Juan.” I look at his hand, contemplating not taking it, but my manners overrule my brain and I shake his hand. He squeezes it gently, let’s go, then says, “I’ve been looking into you.” I still, my eyes go wide, but he carries on like he didn’t just drop a bomb on me. “For some reason, I can’t seem to access anything before your 16th birthday. Even then, you go off grid until you started college—impressive by the way.”

I clear my throat. “My adoptive father wiped my records.” It’s the only thing I can think to say, he’s stumped me. I’m angry he’s tried looking into me but relieved he didn’t find anything.

He nods and says, “I’ve always wondered what kind of man Sergi turned into. Over the years, guilt ate me alive, knowing I had a son, an heir out in the world, but didn’t accept him.”

I tilt my head, not sure why he’s telling me, but I ask anyway, curiosity and all that. “Then why didn’t you? The Sergi I know, the one who wasn’t a scary killer, or a cheating bastard, was kind, funny, attentive, and loved his family more than anything.”

Juan smiles at me. “My wife. I was worried she’d leave me. She is my whole world, and in a moment of stupidity, I slept with someone else. Sergi’s mother…she was pure, and it made me feel like a big man, so I slept with her a couple of times before I realized how much I was hurting the woman I loved more than life itself. Sergi’s mother wasn’t aware I was married. When she told me she was pregnant, I denied paternity, even though I knew the baby was mine. My wife found out about my affair, but she stayed with me, put it behind us. I was worried she’d leave once she realized a child was involved. You see, my wife cannot have children, but I told her it didn’t matter. Phoebe, my niece, would take over my kingdom anyway, and I thought a baby would send my wife over the edge. It wasn’t long ago she realized Sergi was mine when she saw him with Phoebe on FaceTime. She hit me over the head with a frying pan and made me sleep on the sofa for weeks.” I keep my focus on him, his eyes never wavering from mine as he continues. “It wasn’t because the woman I had an affair with had a child, it was because in her mind, my son, is her son. She saw me as someone who kept her child from her, though she hadn’t given birth to him. You know something about that, because of your adoptive parents. I was stupid and immature. I have a lot of regrets in my life where my son is concerned, but I also knew my wife would try to take Sergi from his mother, and I didn’t want that, either.”

I sigh and reply, “Why are you telling me this?”

He gives me a sad smile. “Because last month, I inserted myself in your relationship with my son, not knowing the full back story. I wasn’t aware how much in love you both were…are.” I wipe a tear that’s fallen from my eyes. “I wasn’t aware of his stupid mistakes. I saw an opportunity, thinking you were some woman trying to hook your claws into my son because of his status, when really, you were this amazing young lady, willing to give a man who hurt you, who threatened you, achance at fatherhood. I’m here, Avery, to formally apologize to you for my behavior that day. Sergi was my only focus, because I’m trying to make up for all the hurt I caused him. So, I’m sorry, so sorry, and I hope one day you’ll be able to forgive not just me but also Dimitri enough to let Maria be a part of your children’s lives…and hopefully us, too.”

I run my hand over my baby bump, and look down, sighing. “You missed twenty-nine years of his life.” He furrows his brows at me, not knowing where I’m taking this conversation, but I continue. I know the love of a real father, and Juan and Dimitri both have shown that love with Sergi. “I know the hurt and pain of losing a parent. I lost three, though the first one wasn’t a particularly good one. She didn’t even try, but the other two were my whole world. Sergi knows that loss; he has the Volkovs, and he loves them dearly, but there was always a hole in his heart where his father should have been. He’s going to keep pushing you away, you can try and tell him you spoke to me to help clear the air and it may give you a little bit of an in, but you need to show him that his attitude won’t push you away. You fight back harder to be in his life. And you also need to reassure him that your wife won’t try to replace the mother he lost nor the mother who took him in. He needs to know your wife would never have dreamed of removing him from the care of his mother.”

Juan smiles genuinely, and shakes his head. “Phoebe was right, you are a kind soul. I treated you poorly, and yet you’re here helping me. Thank you, Avery.” I smile a small smile at him, and he goes to turn but stops halfway, saying, “He misses you. I’ve watched him fall apart more and more every day. I know he hurt you; I hurt my wife, and she’s been by my side, making me work for forgiveness every day. But we’ve been happily married since. Maybe…try dating again. Phoebe said it worked for her and Alex, and Damian said the same with Sofia. Damian and Sofia also had marriage counselling, so maybe try that—Idon’t know. Just don’t give up yet; your love for each other is blindingly obvious whenever you’re in the room together. You’re both bound for each other, soulmates. Its rare and powerful. I honestly think you both can get through it.”

I wipe my tears as he walks toward the door. Before he leaves, I decide to give him a little something back for apologizing.

I rasp, “A grandson and a granddaughter.”

A massive grin appears on his face as he says, “Abuelosounds pretty good to me, don’t you think?” He leaves and I smile a little. I shake my head and sigh, rubbing my bump. Maybe everything will be okay?

Once I get home, I don’t even have time to put my feet up before someone knocks on my door. I sigh, feeling drained, and go to open the door. My eyes widen when I see who’s standing on the other side.

“Hi Avery, we’re sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if my husband and I could talk to you for five minutes?” Maria enquires, her eyes holding guilt and sorrow. Dimitri is standing beside her, his expression one of shame and yet…hope. I take a step back and let them in, hoping I haven’t made a big mistake.


Sergi – Five Weeks Later

I sigh,and crack my neck, then rub my eyes. I fucking hate being on a computer all day. I turn my head and stare at the photos on my desk. One is of Avery and me, were lying in bed, and her head is against my naked chest. She’s wearing my shirt, and my arm is stretched out to take the picture, while the other one is in her long, black hair. Her hair looks blue in the photo, though. My hair is a mess from when her fingers were in it, unlike how it is usually. We’re both smiling. I run my hands through my own hair now; I haven’t slicked it back in a while, and it’s getting longer. My face is clean shaven in the photo, unlike now. I sigh, then I look at the ultrasound images of our babies.

Fuck, I miss my girl. I went to the last appointment, ensuring I brought her a smoothie in the same cup she had. It was girlie, pink with purple flowers, and had her name on it. I’d noticed the one she had last time but forgot and left behind on her seat when she was called back. I grabbed it on the way out, and when I gave it to her, she burst into tears. I didn’t realize the cup wassomething her adoptive father gave her. I didn’t mean for it to happen, but it did give me some brownie points.

I drop into the Brew Box every time I know she’s working, and she now smiles when she sees me again, so progress. I also pick her up from school, much to her dismay. After a week, I noticed she started to walk, something about saving on gas, and I was not having that. She grumbles every time she sees me, but its fucking perfect because she doesn’t fight me on it. She knows I won’t let anything happen to them. She’s now twenty-one weeks pregnant, and she looks radiant.

I look at the other picture, one of Avery standing behind the counter at work. She doesn’t know I took it last week. She’s looking down, smiling, her hand on her now bigger bump, which shows nicely under her brown work shirt. I smile to myself, today I’m snagging a ticket from her for her graduation; I know Phoebe wants to go, so I’ll try to convince her about that one, too. Either she gives me one or I’ll get one myself. I think my cousin’s mind is set the same, too, and with her now pregnant as well, Al will do anything to keep those hormones in check, including going behind Averys back. I shake my head; despite carrying twins, Avery hasn’t shown any hormonal “issues.”

I’m brought out of my thoughts when my office door opens. Phoebe and Juan walk in, and I sigh. I promised him a meeting, it may be a few months late, but a deal was made, and I have to keep my end of the bargain, even though I’d rather have someone slice my skin open. Phoebe’s here as a mediator because she knows I’ll most likely fly off the handle.

Juan takes a seat on one of the black chairs I have in front of my desk, while Phoebe comes round and kisses my cheek. I give her a small smile as she walks around my desk and takes the other seat next to Juan.

She speaks first, “How’s Avery?” I see Juan tense, and I give Phoebe a shrug.

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