Page 16 of Bound For You

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He comes back a couple of minutes later with a washcloth, and gently cleans me up. He throws it into my bathroom before climbing into bed with me. He wraps his arms around me, one underneath my head, his hand playing with my hair, and the other around my waist. I lay half on top of him, my leg wedged in between his, and I sigh in contentment. This is my home, in his arms. I smile.

He runs his nose along my hair, taking a deep breath. I nuzzle into his neck as he murmurs, “I love you,dragotsennyy.”

I smile wide, tears slipping from my eyes. “I love you too, so much.”

His arms tighten around me and, for the first time in a long time, I fall asleep without a sleeping pill, and dream of only good things, feeling safe with a man who has become my everything.


Sergi – Two Months Later

I’m sittingoutside Avery’s classroom building, waiting for her to come out, when my phone rings. I look at the screen and curse.


I just left him at the office so concern spreads through me.

“What’d you do, burn the place down within the twenty minutes I’ve been gone?” I tease, answering his call.

He chuckles down the end of the line. “Funny, fucker, where are you? I went to your office, and Shelly whined that you’d left.”

I roll my eyes. “Out running errands,” I answer, ignoring his comment about my secretary. She’s wanted me since Sofia hired her for me, just before I met Avery. I didn’t touch her then and I most defiantly won’t be fucking touching her now, and if she continues whining the way she has over the littlest of things or because I won’t fuck her, then her ass is out of here. I’ve even told Avery all about her, but she finds it hilarious. Me? Not so much. Yes, I’m used to women hitting on me, but Shelly, she makes me feel like a fucking swinging dick.

Damian chuckles, knowing I’ve purposely ignored his comment. “You’ve been doing that a lot lately.”

I clear my throat; I don’t want to lie to him, but I’m just not ready to tell him about Avery, especially when she still has no idea who the fuck I really am. I won’t lose her, not like how Damian and Al lost their women, even if Sofia came back. I saw Damian’s downward spiral, and Al is still going through his. I know I won’t survive without my girl.

He continues, clearly understanding my dilemma, “I won’t ask, Serg, I know you’ll tell us when you’re ready, but the reason for the call…Christian Baciu called. He’s requested a meeting in forty-eight hours, with me, Al, and Basil. Apparently, he has Phoebe’s trust.”

I growl and reply, “Bullshit. There’s no way he’s got it; it has to be a trap.”

He sighs. “That’s what I think, too. I need you to scope it out in the morning. I know you’re busy now, so I’ve got some other men going to the warehouse, then we’ll meet up before the meeting time the next day.” I turn my head and notice people walking out of the class building, including that Melanie girl, the bitch who’s made it a mission to try and talk to me. I shake my head and clear my throat, hoping Avery won’t be too far behind.

I reply to Damian, “Of course, brother. I’ve got to go, I’ll call you tomorrow with my findings.” I hang up without saying bye. When I notice my girl, I get out of the car with a smile on my face. She bounces down the steps toward me, wearing a long sleeve, white sweater, and leggings, with her hair up in its usual top knot, looking beautiful. I distantly hear Melanie say my name, but I ignore her, and catch my girl as she wraps her legs around my waist.

She kisses me, and I smile into the kiss. Since taking her virginity, which I’m fucking thrilled about, by the way, we’vebeen closer than ever. I let her feet drop to the ground and kiss her nose before I rasp, “I missed you, baby.”

She smiles wide, and I help her into the passenger side of my car. I’m preparing to slide into my seat when I see Melanie scowl. I sigh. I need to nip this in the bud, now.

I step away from the door and turn toward her, sighing again when her eyes light up. I don’t want to be a dick, but she won’t stop.

“Have you no self-respect? I’m not interested in you; I have my girl, and she’s all I want, and the fact you know that and won’t fuck off, proves what kind of woman you are. Go and find someone who actually wants you, becausewearen’t going to happen.” Her jaw hits the ground, and some of the hang-arounds smirk, trying to hide their laughter.

I get in my car and see Avery is looking at me wide eyed. I smile. I put the car in gear and drive off, then grab her hand and kiss her palm. “I won’t have anyone make you feel like you don’t matter to me, baby. She wouldn’t stop, so I set her straight.” I turn to look at her and smile when I see the look of awe in her glossy eyes. My gut tightens when I realize this is probably the first time someone’s stuck up for her in a long time.

I shake my head, not wanting to put a damper our time together; I meant what I said a few months ago, scars or no scars, she’s mine. I’ve tried to talk to her about them, especially the cigarette marks on her back, but she always shuts me down. I had a guy look into her past but its sealed up tight. Someone didn’t want people to have access to her records, and I’m beginning to wonder why. What did my girl go through?

I drive toward my place, fucking relieved that I managed to convince my girl to leave a few clothes there last month. I hate her living in a bad part of town, but she’s a stubborn little thing, proving, again, that her life hasn’t been easy.

Half an hour later, I’m pulling into the underground parking to my building. Once parked, I help her out of the car and take her bag, wrapping my arm around her waist as we walk to the elevator. I press the penthouse button and, when we get inside, I lean down, kiss her head, and take a deep breath of her vanilla smell as she leans into me. Fucking divine, I tell you. Nothing in the world smells better.

When we walk into my apartment, I drop her bag on my glass coffee table, and I walk up to her. I cup her face and kiss her lips gently, making her smile. “I’ve just got a few phone calls to make, then we can order dinner, okay?”

She nods. “I have some homework to do, anyway.”

I smile against her lips, kissing them one more time, before reluctantly letting her go.

I head to my office and sit in my black chair behind my black desk. The office walls are light gray, so it doesn’t seem too dark, and there’s a bookshelf to the right of me, with a panic room installed behind it. I haven’t shown Avery yet; she’s still in the dark about my lifestyle, and it’s going to stay that way for a little while longer. I pick up my phone and call Jono, one of the men inspecting the warehouse. Damian normally sends him if I can’t go.

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