Page 12 of Run From Me

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“Absolu-fucking-lutly nothing. Shut up and drive,” I said, holding my bag like it was a lifeline.

Fine. He didn’t want to be my hero, even if I never asked, so I wouldn’t be his… whatever the hell a guy like him wanted. Probably a fuck buddy. Fine.

It wasn’t like I’d had sex in years. The Vipers were pricks. I’d tried a relationship with one of them, once, and it had gotten him killed. And me? Well. It was me that had pulled the trigger.

I crossed my arms over my chest as the car pulled into a back lot.

“I thought the party was at one of the clubs?”

He shrugged.

“Enigma is where they reconnected or something. Besides, it’s best that the competition thinks one thing while we all know the truth.”

Enigma was an art gallery that I’d only ever heard of. It was a rich asshole thing, and I was not one of them. The car stopped, and I found myself pulling at the hem of my dress. I felt out of place just about anywhere, buy here?

The door of the car opened, and I looked up.

“You’re opening my door? Gee, what a gentleman.”

I rolled my eyes.

“You weren’t getting out, so I figured you needed an invitation,” he jabbed back.

I tried really hard to lock my jaw rather than show my shocked irritation.


I didn’t bother looking to see what he thought of that. I also didn’t stop to think about the fact I’d gone from antagonizing the Vipers to antagonizing the Spectors. Maybe I really was at the point of having a death wish. The door slammed behind me, and I just kept walking. Where? I mean, the building was in front of me, so there was probably a door somewhere.

He grabbed my elbow.

“This way, Sparky.”

I scrunched up my nose.

“Stop calling me that, Captain Dipshit.”

And then he let out a whistle.

“Already to pet names? I knew you loved me. Over here, Calliope.”

He guided me, and why I didn’t rip my arm away I didn’t know, or rather I didn’t want to think too long on it. Maybe I did. Maybe it just sucked to have him already tell me he wasn’t into me. Not a hero. Meaning not my hero. Fine. I didn’t need a hero. I just wanted someone or something that was mine.

But nothing was mine. Not my life. Not my apartment. Not my job. Not tonight.

I blinked at the light as a door opened. I hadn’t seen this door. The whole building was painted black, and at night it all seemed to blend.

“Thanks, everything is quiet?” Xander asked a guy I’d never even seen.

I watched as Xander did one of those stupid male handshakes with him.

“Yeah. All’s good. Quiet as can be.”

The guy eyed me for a second. But Xander stepped in front of me.

“Don’t touch her. She’s with me.”

The guy’s hands were up in a surrender position while we walked by.

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