Page 73 of Hide From Me

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I narrowed my eyes. Something wasn’t adding up.

“You would help me claim this money, and what exactly are you getting out of this? I’m guessing whoever wanted me found already signed a contract to pay you.”

He smirked.

“You are much more observant than I would have guessed. I suppose it’s been those tough life lessons. No problem. Let me spell it all out.”

He opened up a briefcase. That had been what he’d been holding. I just couldn’t see it well with the lighting.

“You sign this prenup and we both get what we want.”

What we want?

What did I want? I didn’t want my old life, the one where no one wanted me. I swallowed. My mom had wanted me, but she was always just so lost that I didn’t want her back to live a life where she was merely a shell of a human. I’d rather remember her as murdered than having killed herself. I know she loved me. But at least now she was at peace.

What did I want?

I didn’t want whatever he was threatening me with. I wanted Cas even when he was being an asshole. I still wanted whatever brand of crazy he offered, because at the end of the day, that crazy made me feel wanted and safe.

“I don’t see how me signing a prenup is going to get me the guy I’m in love with.”

His hand connected with my cheek before I’d even blinked. For being a PI, he really didn’t seem all that smart, but he was conniving, that was certain.

“Tell me PI guy. If I were to sign this little prenup, that means you assume I’m going to marry you, and I assume that you have made sure you get a very healthy cut of whatever you think I’m supposed to get from a family that I am guessing doesn’t know I’m alive. Or do they, but you just haven’t delivered me yet?”

The guy wasn’t exactly old, but he was older than me. He’d figured out where I’d been and who I was, something I don’t think even Cas and the boys had done. But right now, he was plotting to rip off someone who, I’d guess, was old money.

“Do you even have proof I’m the heiress you need? What if I’m just some Moody Judy that was in the right place at the right time?”

He was annoyed, judging from the bored set to his eyes and the thin line his lips made.

“I was at your aunt’s house the day I took those photos. The ones with her dead. I had to wait for that guy to leave. I neededyour DNA to prove who you were. I was able to find plenty of things at the house to link you to the family. They know what I wanted them to know. I figure I can deliver you, you collect the money, and then I don’t give a crap who you fuck. You’re cute enough, but I’m not actually here for sex.”

This was an odd turn of events, wasn’t it?

“Okay. Let me just go through the answers I am getting. I am apparently related to the Whitehall family, who this unfinished floor belongs too?”

He was still holding the packet, prenup, whatever, and was starting to wrinkle it.

“Yes. They own the whole damn building and several others,” he said.

I nodded.

“And because my, well, family, since I’m not sure who you work for or who is alive, hasn’t paid you, you want me to marry you?”

I blew out a long breath as I waited. In this light, he was a pretty shade of purple or pink.

“It’s more than that. You’re worth millions or billions. I can’t guarantee a dime from this guy. I’m fucking sick of working for rich assholes who think they can just take advantage of the little guy. You, sweetheart, are my ticket out of this shit life. Think of it as karma.”

His eyes seemed to grow wide as I crossed my arms over my chest. I knew I had a rack, but that seemed a little too excited, until I heard the click of a gun being cocked.

“She will not be marrying anyone. She isn’t a meal ticket, asshole.”

I didn’t have to look. I could feel him at my back. I knew Zeiden and Xander would be right there too. So I pulled out the little vixen inside of me as I grabbed his tie and whispered in his ear.

“Think of it as karma.”

Cas’s hand wrapped around my neck as he pulled me away. A silenced shot whistled past me the couple of feet it had to travel before the eyes of the guy stared blankly and a perfect little round hole separated them. I followed the line to where the bullet probably exited.

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