Page 36 of Hide From Me

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He looked down at her and smirked.

“You never said anything about a boyfriend when you were grinding on my dick.”

I reached out and grabbed his neck, pulling Rylee behind me.

“Say that again to me and tell me that she was doing anything to you. You sure she was grinding on you, or was it the other way around?”

His face was turning red as his body fought for air and I squeezed even tighter.

“Cas, let him go.”

Her voice reached me through the haze of rage and the sounds of the club at capacity. I turned to see her, her eyes wide with something, but it wasn’t fear.

Her hands reached up to my face and cupped my cheeks.

“He isn’t worth it, Cas. Let him go. Come dance with me?”

Her face was flushed, her eyes were a bit more glassy than they were when she was sober, but she was mostly logical and rational. Or so it appeared. My grasp loosened just enough that he was able to cough, and then I let him drop like a sack of bricks.

I nodded towards Thad and knew that I’d be able to deal with this all later when I had time. I turned towards Rylee and took in the outfit she wore. My cock was not clouded by the anger of her leaving her apartment in whatever the fuck this thing qualified as. I grabbed her arm and started to pull her into my body, but she tried to fight me.

It just made the chase even more fun as I held her wrist and wrapped my arm around her waist.

“Hey, blossom,” I said against her ear. “Fight me all you want. It will just make it all the sweeter when I get you out of here.”

I could feel the gasp rather than hear it as her breasts pressed against me. I captured her gaze and licked my lips as I watched her beautiful face tint pink.

“You let another man touch what was mine,” I said, and this time when I pulled her close, she didn’t fight me.

The second I got her behind the door of one of the VIP rooms, I pressed her against the fucking door.

“So compliant now, aren’t we?” I said and licked her exposed collarbone bone.

“Fuck you, Cas.”

Her words had no bite in them. They were far too breathy and I knew she wasn’t mad. Or not mad enough to push me away.

I pulled her wrists into one hand and pushed them above her head, giving me control and the ability to move back just enough to see her. See her scant little dress. See her breasts fighting to come out with every gasp of breath she took.

“Fuck me, Rylee? Is that an offer or a promise?”

Her lips thinned.

“None of those. How dare you invade my space? How dare you take away my safe place?”

I pushed in closer, pressing my knee between her legs.

“How dare I? Who else would protect you? Who else would watch out for my precious little blossom? Do you think all these years you’ve been safe because of your aunt? Do you think killing your father and your mother would end whatever target had been on either of their heads?”

She didn’t speak as I leaned in closer, slipping a hand down her back.

“I,” she said and paused.

“You what? You thought you could just leave like I asked, and I wouldn’t still protect you like I had all those years ago?”

Her eyes watched my lips move like she was trying to see the truth or the lie behind every word.

“You have always been mine, Rylee, even if you never knew it. I waited for you to grow up. Waited for you to realize that you needed to run far away, but instead, you came back here. Came back to me and all the shit that I saved you from the first time.”

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