Page 112 of Hide From Me

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Hell, why had she slept with my father?

Absently, I started to pet the couch with my fingers. Joy like I’d never felt, fluttered through my chest. Thank god. The drugs were finally wearing off. But with that realization came the tiredness. Being able to move was going to be half the battle.

Minutes ticked by. More fingers moved with every hope that I was getting closer to moving. My toes wiggled in my shoes. So close. I didn’t know what time it was and there were no windows in this room. Maybe it was hours or minutes. With every appendage I gained the ability to move, it was at least helping me think there was some hope I was getting out of here.

What felt like a decade resulted in me being able to move my almost too heavy arm. I gave an audible sigh that no one seemed to care about. Grandpa hadn’t come back since the phone call, and that was just fine.

“One arm down and another to go.”

I smiled, or I think I did. My mouth was working enough that I was certain I could be understood at this point.

I awkwardly reached into my shirt and pushed my phone out. Maybe I had some motor function working, but everything was stiff as hell.

I got my fingers to hold the phone as I pulled it out and then took a break. This was exhausting.

Minutes added up to more mobility, and I managed to get to the one and only favorite Cas had on my phone, himself. I pushed the button just as whatever was stuck to the other side fell into my lap.

Right, the scrap of paper.


I heard Cas’s voice and pressed the speakerphone button after the attempt to get to my ear proved to be nearly impossible.

“Cas,” I said and fiddled with the paper, placing the phone next to me.

“Are you hurt?” he asked.

I didn’t mean to laugh, but it just sort of came out.

“Are you hurt? Answer me, Rylee. I’m going to kill whoever took you.”

At least I could breathe freely now, no more trying to shove air into a tight chest.

“Well, then you’ll be going for my long-lost grandpa, I guess.”

It took all my energy to gently unfold the paper. It was the back of an old brochure, the logo of some restaurant at the bottom.


I’m sorry about everything. No matter what happens to me, run. Take all the cash and run. Your father can’t be trusted. My father will use you and kill you if he ever gets you. Your grandmother’s trust can only be inherited by a blood-related female heir. Maybe I’ll have more time than I think, but just in case, just know I love you and I left to save us. Don’t ever go back.

All my love,



I blinked before realizing Cas was yelling at me.

“Yeah. Sorry. I- I’m not hurt. But I was drugged and I’m not sure I could get out of here even if I wanted to. Not on my own.”

I heard him yell at someone, probably Xander or Zeiden.

“Oh dang it. I was going to bring them treats from your grandma.”

I swear I could hear Cas trying to calm himself down.

“Fuck them. And fuck treats. What do you mean, you were drugged?”

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