Page 68 of Falling Too Late

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Kevin’s hot breath was in my ear. “You thought you got away, didn’t you?” His hand ripped at my hair, pulling my head up. His hot tongue licked up the side of my face, swirled in my ear. I tried not to react. Tried not to shudder, but I couldn’t block out the feeling. I did and he groaned his pleasure into my ear. “That tight fucking cunt loves my dick.”

It felt like forever. He beat me, slapped every part of my exposed skin, punching my back. His fingers dug into my fleshy ass. He pulled my head up and shoving his fingers in my mouth. I tried to bite down but he dug his fingers into the joint, keeping my mouth open as he thrust into me. He was leaving his mark. With each hit, I flinched, tensed, and Kevin groaned. It felt never-ending. “There’s so much more to you now with some meat on your bones.”?

I wanted to die.??

Like my brain knew exactly what to do, like I hadn’t spent the last four blissful years healing and recovering from the last four, I found a spot on the wall and focused on that. Hot tears spillingout of my eyes. The numbness never fully took over. I couldn’t disconnect from my body and come back when it was over. I felt every thrust.


Alex. Where are you?

I need you.

Come home.



“Yeah,man, you can come by and see if it’s here. I didn’t see it this morning, but I wasn’t really looking.” I tried to hide my disappointment from Jon over the phone. I was almost back to the house when he called. He thought he’d left his suit jacket at the house and needed to come pick it up before some meeting.?

“That’s why I called Wren first. She probably would have noticed. I wonder why she didn’t answer the phone. She always answers.”?

I rolled my eyes and refrained from telling him she was naked in bed waiting for me to come home. Not that I would ever shove that in his face, out of respect for Wren, but he was constantly shoving her at me like they were something when they only were in his head. “She might be in the shower or something. We were up late. . .unpacking.” A smile pressed its way to my lips. He was going to flip out when he eventually found out about us.

I just wanted to keep her to myself for a while longer.

I was on cloud fucking nine.?

“Well, are you almost back? Would you check? I have a brief to get to this afternoon. I’m already on my way there. I’m about five minutes out.”

“On a Saturday?” I turned up the next block, myeyes catching on a figure walking down the sidewalk, distracting me from Jon’s words.

He had a hat pulled low on his head but his face looked. . .disfigured, and I strangely felt like I knew him.

“Alex?” Jon disrupted my thoughts.

I pulled up to the house and turned off my truck, grabbing the sack of food and getting out. “I just pulled up. I’ll check in a minute.” I moved fast, taking the porch steps two at a time, unlocking the door. I was eager to get him off the phone and continue where Wren and I left off.??

“I’m in the kitchen and I don’t see it.” I looked in the laundry room and on the counters.??

“Well, can you ask Wren?”?Jon said impatiently.

“Don’t you have like five suit jackets?” I tried not to sound irritated. “Yeah, let me ask her.” I bounded up the steps, walking into her room.??

“Hey, Jon is on the phone, he’s asking if—” I froze at the door. Wren wasn’t in bed where I left her. Her sheets were a mess. “Wren?” I turned around and looked in the open bathroom, but she wasn’t there either.??

“Dude, the house isn’t big enough for you to lose her in.” He laughed at his own joke.?

I didn’t respond. I looked back to her bed, and that’s when I noticed them. The dark patches on her brand-new sheets. I walk farther into her room, pinching the sheets between two fingers and pulling them up. “What the. . .” Then I saw her. She was on the far side of the bed on the floor in a ball, her head tucked on top of her knees. I froze. She was still naked, and shaking.??

Bruises were already forming over her entire body. I could see the handprints on her arm.??

“Wren!” She flinched and I dropped the phone, hearing it clatter to the ground. I rounded the bed and kneeled down beside her, my hands hovering over her body. She looked up at me. Her face was swollen, hair matted with blood. Cuts across her cheek. One eye was swollen shut.?


My stomach fell out from under me. I didn’t want to believe it. I didn’t want to think about it. But it was all right there in front of me, the evidence littered over her body and on the floor, trickling out from between her legs.??

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