Page 41 of Falling Too Late

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“Can I put makeup on you?” She pulled a small zipper bag out of her purse. “Just a little.” She held up a small pencil looking thing. “If you don’t like it, you can take it off in the bathroom. No harm done.”

Without much reservation, I agreed to it, closing my eyes as she brushed something over the lids, adding liner and then prompting me to look up while she attempted to put mascara on my lashes.

“Done.” She opened a small compact to show me.


“I know! Right? It was just the right amount.” She clapped happily while I stared at my reflection. She’d easily created a smoky look that made my eyes pop. “Here.” She handed me a tube of lip gloss. “Just a little and you are good to go.”

“Wow, Juni. You should go into beauty when we get out of school.”??

“You think?” She hummed a little as I put the gloss on. “Maybe I will.”

We downed our drinks and then headed downstairs. I could feel the buzz start; it did exactly as she said it would, loosened me up. Juni and I melted into the crowd with our drinks refilled and started dancing, our bodies grinding up against each other in rhythm of the music. Juni guided me, holding my hips and showing me what to do. I mimicked her.

Hands came around my waist and they pulled me back into a hard body. Juni pushed closer to me and put her hands over me. Eventually the song ended, and we were a laughing, giggling mess.

“Having fun?”?

I tipped my head up and looked into icy blue eyes. I froze. I had thought Alex was the one behind me.


“The one and only.” He tipped his head, looking into my empty cup. “You girls need a refill?”

“Yes!” Juni plucked my cup out of my hand and handed it to him, then shooed him away. “Girl, did you see the way he looked at you?”

“What? N-no.” I huffed out a nervous breath. “Juniper, why wouldn’t you tell me it was Jon behind me?”

“What? Come on, we were having fun and he loved having you rub up against him. I think he’s into you.” She continued to dance as she waggled her brows at me.

“Jesus Juni, stop it. We are just friends. Barely. Alex and him are friends. I’m just kind of there.” It was hard to get the words out. I scanned the living room, looking for Alex.

“You could be more than frieeends.”

“Girl, he had his sister buy me thongs,” I said, the words coming out unfiltered. “Absolutely not.”

“Here you ladies are.” Jon doled out two red solo cups between Juni and me. We both straightened. I gave her eyes, silently telling her to keep her mouth shut.

“Juuuniiiii.” Teddy did some kind of dance move toward herthat involved thrusting his hips, getting her attention. “I’ve got something for you out back.”

There was a smell of weed that chronically traveled with Teddy. He grabbed Juni by the hand, and they headed toward the back door without another glance. We watched her go, and I hid inside my cup of punch. Awkwardly, I smiled up at Jon before trying to squeeze my way out of the living room.

“Hey, where do you think you’re going?” His hand was gentle around my wrist.??

“Oh, uhm. . . I was going to go find Alex.” I took a drink of the punch; an overwhelming taste of liquor hit me.

Oh shit, is this straight vodka???

I went to pull the cup away from my lips, but then there’s his hand. Jon tipped the cup up farther back, causing me to take a big swallow. I did my best to choke it down, trying not to spit it out all over his neat clothes.

“There you go.” He nodded his approval. His thumb brushed the corner of my mouth, then he pressed it to his tongue. “Don’t want to waste a drop of that.”

I froze, a blush creeping up my neck. Juni’s words echoed in my head.

Is Jon into me??

“Well.” Fingers ran up the center of my palm before he laced our fingers together. “How about I get one more dance.” His arm came around my waist, pulling me flush against his chest. He trapped our hips together and swayed. My feet tripped and stumbled as he took the lead. He guided my hand around his neck. “Shh. Just relax, follow me.”

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