Page 8 of Or Best Offer

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“Why are you here again?” Ezra suddenly popped out of nowhere, and I might have screamed. Loudly. “Didn’t Leo kick you out this morning? Oh great, I see you brought frick and frack with you.”

He was dressed in a pair of skintight jeans and a shirt that shimmered when he moved that I was sure he’d made himself. His clothing career had taken off, and I might have bought a few items to wear on stage. Not that I would ever tell Ezra that. He would never let me live it down.

The twins looked at one another before they moved to flank me. “Ezra, it’s a delight to see you again. You look stunning, as always.” Ford batted his lashes.

“Don’t try to flatter me.” Ezra lifted his chin as he stared up at my friend. “Leo doesn’t need you here, Andrew. If Noel or CC see you, this isn’t going to go in your favor.”

For a man on the smaller side, Ezra was intimidating as hell.

“Are you going to tell them?” I asked.

“Damn right I am.” Ezra’s dark eyes flashed angrily. “I don’t care what he told you, you broke his heart. I had to pick up the pieces. I won’t let you do it again.” He poked me in the chest with a long red nail.

Ford nudged me. “I think you’ve already been spotted.”

I glanced over Ezra’s head to see Leo headed my way. But wait, why was RJ Shepard trailing behind him? Was that the boyfriend he had been talking about? I saw red at the thought of RJ putting his hands on my man. Touching him in ways that I never had.

“Didn’t I tell you to leave me alone?”

He was dressed in his fire suit again. I used to tease him that it fit him like a potato sack, but it looked like they had fixed that problem. It clung to his shoulders, his chest, and his hips just right. That tiny waist was on full display. It left nothing to my imagination, and my cock thickened in my jeans as Iremembered every inch of his skin, the sounds he made when I touched him.

Leo’s eyes settled on Ford and Felix. I thought he might try to hug his old friends, but instead, Leo’s face grew dark. “Don’t.”

Felix gasped, and Ford snickered before they both spoke at the same time. “We missed you, too, boo.”

I glared at both of them. “They’re your friends, too.”

I stared down at Leo, wondering what he was thinking. Did he really want me to leave, or could I convince him to talk to me? Probably not with his guard dog standing there. The way his eyes were eating me up told me it might be the latter.

“Everything okay here?” RJ’s gaze bounced between me and Leo.

He was a carbon copy of his dad, towering over everyone, including me, with his dark blue eyes. We had never run in the same crowd at school, but since his dad was kind of friends with mine, we were forced together at times. I never had an issue with RJ until right now.

Felix squared his shoulders. “Hello, RJ.”

RJ’s cheeks burned red. Interesting.

I saw red when Leo touched RJ’s arm. “Thanks, boo, but they were just leaving.”

“Ricky, I—”

“No, you don’t.” Ezra cut me off before I could beg Leo to listen to me. “Boo, back to your car, and you three go back to the rock from which you crawled out from under. I mean it. Scram.”

Leo’s lips twitched like he might break into a smile. His face was free of makeup, which I was curious about even though he had never needed it. He was still the most beautiful, gorgeous, stunning man I had ever laid eyes on.

“Ez, relax.”

“Oh, you’re already in, bro.” Felix elbowed me. “Leo’s sticking up for you.”

Ezra shot him a warning, and Felix moved closer to me.

“I’m scared. Ford, let’s go.” He grabbed for his brother’s arm, leaving me behind to face the pack alone.

Ezra tilted his head. “Leo, a word.” He grabbed him by the arm, and I stood there as he dragged him away. I watched as they spoke in whispered voices, arms and hands flying.

“You break his heart again, and I’ll make sure to break your face,” RJ warned in a deep, throaty voice. “I don’t care who you are. He’s a good man, Andy.”

It was on the tip of my tongue to ask RJ what his relationship was with Leo when he walked back over to where we stood. Without Ezra.

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