Page 36 of Or Best Offer

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Maverick sniffed. “I appreciate that.” His green eyes swam with tears. “Everything good between the two of you? I didn’t hear any yelling.”

“We’re good. Leo knows that I only want the best for him.” Ezra winked at me, and I huffed out a laugh. I couldn’t stay mad at him even if I wanted to.

I gasped when I looked up at the clock over the oven. “Shit, I have a meeting at the shop this morning,” I announced. “I’m going to be late if I don’t get dressed and get out of here.”

I left the two of them together as I dashed up the stairs. I found Andy scrolling through his phone as he continued to lounge on the bed.

He glanced up at me with a sad smile. “Hey.”

“Hey, hon.” My hand reached out to touch him, but I stopped before I made contact. “I have a meeting.”

I grabbed my jeans that I had on yesterday, stripped off my bottoms and top before I slidmy legs into my pants. I realized just what I had done as I heard the gasp Andy let out. I feltmy skin heat, but when I looked over at him, his eyes were cast down.

“It’s okay. You’ve seen everything before. And we washed up together yesterday,” I murmured.

Andy’s pupils were blown wide. “You’re even more beautiful, Leo.” He fiddled with his phone before he met my eyes again. “Will you come back after your meeting? Spend more time with me?”

“Is that what you want?” I shouldn’t. I needed to go home and get myself ready to head out again tomorrow for the next race. But the urge to wrap myself around Andy again was there. Nearly impossible to resist, no matter how hard I tried.

Andy nodded. “Yes, please. I want to tell you the truth. I think I’m ready now.”

“Okay.” I dragged a hand through my hair as I walked over to him. “I’ll come back.”

His eyes shimmered with tears. “Thank you.”

I leaned down to kiss his forehead, and Andy grabbed my wrists and yanked me against him. He hugged me tight before his arms dropped away.

“How’d it go with your dad?” I started to put on my sneakers, the warmth of Andy’s body still clinging to my skin.

When he didn’t answer me, I turned to find his hands over face, his shoulder shaking.

Andy pulled away when I touched his shoulder, and then I found myself climbing into the bed, not caring if I was late to my meeting. I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug and held him as he sobbed, his face buried in the pillow.

“I’ve never seen my dad cry like that before. I mean, tears of happiness when Pop won a game or something good happened to us, but fuck, Leo. He was just so upset. He told me how much he loved me. That he would always love me and that he would be there for me no matter what. I don’t know what I did to deserveparents like them, but I don’t want to disappoint them.” Andy twisted around to stare at me.

I brushed the wetness from his face. “You could never do that.”

“Thanks, Ricky,” he whispered. “Please come back. I need you.”

I pressed my lips to his forehead. “I promise.”

Chapter Fifteen


I made it just in time for the meeting at Brooks Racing, hurrying into the building and hoping that no one noticed. What I didn’t expect was to find Noel sitting at the conference room table. He raised his brows, pointed to the chair to his right, and pulled it out. Guess I was sitting next to my brother today. Carson was talking adamantly with Jones Matthews, while Charlie Matthews, Jones’s husband, was listening to Watts Brooks, a smile spread across his face.

I reluctantly dropped into the seat. “You’re back. I thought you had a couple more days off with your guys.”

“And you slept at the Frost house last night,” Noel hissed. Everyone stopped to stare at us. “Mind your own business and gossip about something else right now,” he snapped.

“Not here.” I didn’t want to talk about Andy with everyone listening. Although I was sure Carson already knew. Ezra kept nothing from him. But this was different. Not gossiping for fun. Maybe for once Ezra had kept quiet.

Noel’s multicolored eyes narrowed into angry slits. “Fine.”

I could still feel everyone watching me just as Killian Hampton waltzed into the room carrying three boxes of donuts, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Everyone looks so serious. Wait, what did I miss?” He wiggled his brows as he sat down next to me. “Have a donut, little M.”

I really hated it when he called me that. I wasn’t that little. Well, maybe compared to him I was, but I was big enough. “No thanks.”

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