Page 33 of Or Best Offer

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“I’m sorry you had to see her again,” Leo murmured.

I sniffed. “Thanks.”

“You want to stay here tonight or go back to my place?” Leo asked, and when I pulled back to stare at him, he gave me a small smile.

I stared up into his beautiful face. Those baby blues I spent hours looking into, his cupid bow lips I had kissed for hours. “Baby—”

He placed a finger over my mouth to stop me. “I’m sure your dads would prefer you stay here tonight. In the comfort of their home, so they can keep an eye on you.”

“Stay with me.” I sat up and scooted as close to him as possible. “Please, Leo. I don’t want to sleep alone anymore.” I reached for his hands and clasped my own around them.

Leo swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing with the motion. He gave me a quick nod and then I was hugging him, thanking him, and telling him how sorry I was. Those words just came spewing out of my mouth like vomit. I knew that I had royally screwed everything up, but I would take an inch if he would give it to me.

“I think”—Leo brushed the hair from my face and out of my eyes—“that we should wash up, get into some pajamas, and just relax. Maybe watch a movie or something. Do you want to do that?”

I nodded. “Can we have snacks, too?”

It was what we used to do when we were together. Wrap ourselves together in cocoon blankets, Netflix on my laptop,and eat sweet treats. I liked chocolate-covered pretzels, mostly because my dads were obsessed with them, and Leo liked Swedish Fish.

“Yeah, hon, of course we can.” He cupped my cheek with the palm of his hand. “It wouldn’t be right not to.”

The urge to kiss him hit me hard, and I had to look away to stop myself. Leo had already made it clear he didn’t want to get back together.

“I’ll go tell my dads while you wash up.” I climbed to my feet to give him some space. “Come find me when you’re done.”

“Andy.” Leo’s voice was soft.

I couldn’t look at him. He would see it written all over my face. How much I hated myself. I dropped my chin and let out a long sigh. “What?”

When he didn’t answer me, I slowly turned around and found him standing before me.

He reached out to tangle his fingers in the front of my shirt. “I want to forgive you. It’s going to take time, and you need to tell me the truth about why you left me. And don’t claim it was because you wanted me to explore my options, because we both know that’s a lie.”

“But you might? Forgive me, I mean?” Hope bloomed inside my heart like a spring tulip, pushing up through my veins and into the air.

“In time, yes, I might.” Leo leaned up onto his toes and pressed his lips against my cheek. “I never stopped loving you, Andy. I don’t think I know how.” His hands dropped from my shirt as he took a step back. “Now, go find us some snacks while I shower and make myself pretty.”

I reached out and grasped his wrist before he could move away. “You’re always pretty, Ricky.”

Leo blushed bright and pink. “Mm, you might want to rethink that. You haven’t seen me after a five-hundred-mile race.Covered in dirt and sweat. Not my finest look.” He smiled. “Go make sure Mav and Jax don’t care that we’re going to stay the night.”

“Dad will lose his shit, you know that,” I reminded him, and Leo giggled softly. The sound went straight to my dick. “Wash up, baby, and then come downstairs when you’re done.”


I found my parents sitting in the living room, hockey highlights on the TV in the background. I was more than happy to find that Ezra was gone. I didn’t think that I could deal with him right now. Dad was tucked under Pop’s arm as they stared down at something on his tablet. Dad nodded as Pop spoke, his eyes shining like the sun. My dads were still madly in love with one another. Even now. After a terrible breakup when they were teenagers, years apart, and then Dad coming to terms with his sexuality. They persevered. Because they were meant to be.

“Andy?” Dad was watching me with worry on his face. “Everything all right, kiddo?”

I nodded and moved to sit next to him. Dad immediately leaned into me. “Is it cool if Leo and I crash here tonight? We don’t want to impose.”

“You don’t have to ask,” Pop assured me, but it was the smile nearly splitting Dad’s face that had him chuckling. “Don’t get any ideas, sweetheart.”

Dad slapped playfully at his arm. “Hush, Goose. Let me just dream.” He beamed at me. “You’re more than welcome, kiddo. This is your house, too. And Leo is part of this family. I always want the two of you home.”

“Cool.” I chewed on my lip as I glanced at the television to where they were highlighting the Boston Terriers; the team Dadused to play for when we lived in Massachusetts. “Boston might win the cup again, huh?”

Pop mock gasped. “I don’t think so.”

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